Hivemind: hosting

May 16, 2007 14:09 web & email has gotta move again, and soon. daerr has been my latest kind host, but his machine is falling apart and he's planning on bailing soon. I figure that, after more than eight years of hoboing this domain around, it's finally time to move it off of FriendlyNet and into the realm of paid-for hosting.

Any recommendations for hosting solutions? I am assuming that, since I want me own MySQL tables and Mason-based websites, I am too much of a control freak for Dreamhost, but feel free to tell me otherwise. (I don't need mod_perl, so long as Mason works.)

I am leaning towards getting a virtual user-mode Linux thing somewhere. They're more expensive, but you can go crazy on them. OTOH you have to do your own sysadminning, and enh.

I politely decline in advance offers to host on your own server or your friend's server or whatnot, thank you anyway. (Unless your friend runs a legit hosting business.) This will support, among other things, my professional identity. I need to be able to yell at someone when it falls over, without feeling like I'm stretching a personal favor thin.

hivemind, hosting,

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