Pass the salt

May 03, 2007 13:08

From rserocki: Biologists are making progress in isolating why calorie restriction extends animals' lifespans. This is encouraging news.

I thank the CR community for helping to keep life extension in the headlines, making news like this more visible, but their implementation is not one for most people. (Understatement.) My interest in CR stops at being mindful to avoid eating when I'm not actually hungry - which is good, but it isn't even scratching the surface of what its real practitioners do. (Which is, basically, to avoid eating when they are actually hungry.) I admire and support their commitment, and I am sure they're right about all the side benefits of their koo-koo diet (such as out-of-whack hormone generation giving them a feeling of continual elation), but still I think I'll hold out for the pill version.

science, cr, health, life extension, news, links

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