Random stuff before I turn in.
• Even though I didn't really do any rabbiting I nonetheless interacted quite a lot with the Looneys themselves (and Josh, their current chief rabbit coordinator dude). They're all really excited about Volity and glad to be a part of our launch efforts.
A nice side effect of this: since they've been so visible at Origins for so many years, lots of vendors are familiar with Looney Labs, and reacted positively to seeing LL titles in Volity's initial stable. Some vendors told us of their intention to go talk to the Looneys about us, to which we say: please do.
• Russell (a former c.r.c.d.) very helpfully took charge of putting Volity flyers into the hands of the Werewolf players on Friday night. This was a tremendous favor.
• I barely played any games at all, Looney or otherwise. We let vendors demo games at us, but insisted that they keep it short, so didn't play many of them out. In the lab, I missed all the Fluxx tournament preliminaries, and joined the Zarcana tourney for the heck of it only to make a really dumb mistake and give up the game early in. It was a weird game, though, with lots of table talk and joking around, nothing at all like the two games from the 2004 tourney (which i won). And it was fun to lose to Andy Looney himself. (Kinda.)
• We're going to meet and discuss what happened and what we should do about it, soon after I wake up tomorrow. I may not have time to do that, start working through the business cards, and attend pre-4th social things all in one day. May have to snip out the latter. We'll see.
• Your Move Games was at the Expo, and they won an Origins award for Battleground, their card-based wargame.
daerr and I let a rep show us how the game is played; it looks pretty cool. Gotta talk to Chad about this.
zyxwvut found a postcard on the ground outside and gave it to me. It advertised an event called "Volatility: a benefit for Madlab". It was like a Bizarro-world version of Volity's presence among the Mad Lab Rabbits. It's in my bag now.