(no subject)

Aug 11, 2005 01:55

Any suggestions for Gameshelf slogans? I figure we can have as many as we want.

* It is the nineties and there is time for The Gameshelf.
* It's The Gameshelf's fault Black Leaf died.

I dry up after that.

Finally made a proper Gnostica deck, with stickers [pdf link], using an Aquarian Tarot deck I bought long ago expressly for this purpose. I am proud of my coloring job; I made Alison's chameleon on The World's icon look even cuter.

I wanted to scissor out all the little coin shapes and stick 'em on individually, but gave up after doing just one; the sticker-paper backing is way too hard to peel off when you don't have any corners to pick at. So the Ace of Pentacles looks really good with one little round score-pip, and the rest get big sloppy rectangles. Oh well.

And now the deck is too thick to fit back into the box.

The idea occurred to me tonight that if I really wanted to procrastinate I'd set my tagging project aside and start making new, past-dated LJ posts based on the dozens-perhaps-hundreds of personal, offline journal entries, dating from ~1992-2000, which I've been carrying around for years, transferred from one Mac's hard drive to the next along with all my college papers and everything else from that time.

Was just reading some from 1998. First impressions of people I know very well now, and detailed entries about people I've since drifted away from. And lots of goo-goo about crushes. I still get crushes, I guess, but these might have been more poignant since this was back when I was actually dating people. Or anyway close enough in time to the last time I had dated someone that it was not unreasonable to think that I'd try to go out with some of these people. Doo dee doo. Now I hate everyone arrrrr and life is simple.

the gameshelf, tarot, livejournal, games, gnostica, nostalgia, dating

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