All LLC-creation paperwork filed, and pound of flesh paid. (And I'm not convinced I'm done yet; the state can basically charge whenever they want for however much they want, like the completely unexplained $20 "expedited service fee" that attached itself to the base $500 filing fee. Man, I hate these guys.) Now I guess I just wait for a response.
I guess in the interim I could start thinking about what else I want to accomplish this month besides filling in paperwork and writing painful checks.
Andy Looney sold a single friggin Magic card for $519 [eBay link will die in a few days]. And that's just one of a bunch of cards he's been selling, one by one, for months. I can't believe I let my whole collection go four years ago for $100 or something, and it had some beauts in it. (Shivan dragon, sigh.) I guess I needed the money then, but... if I had known that I could peel 'em off one at a time just a few years later to help fund my own startup? Man. Good for Andy & Looney Labs, though.