Yo, 'sup guys!
Lesse here...
Dad got me Prismacolors(!! - some colored pencils and a whole bunch of the markers) and an Amazon gift certificate. The gift certificate has now been turned into FFXII, FFVIII (Emmy can have hers back now), the compilation FFV + FFVI thing, and a vampire book... thing. The second Stephanie Meyer one.
The assorted NY family got me some cash (always good), a purse (v. useful. holds a lot), and a pretty necklace-y-pendant thing. (Well, and NY!Grandma is getting me *something* because the thing she'd gotten me originally didn't quite work. ....It was a pink zip-up hoodie. Yeah. XD)
The home crowd (family and others) got me several giftcards (the Best Buy one has since become the Devil May Cry boxset, and the Hot Topic one is an FMA calendar), PoTC 2, some clothes, a DIGITAL CAMERA (omgwhut), and a trenchcoat(!!!). (Plus a few other things, but that's the main stuff)
OMG BEST CHRISTMAS EVER! *hides in pile of loot*
In other news, I'm on the last DVD of Fullmetal Alchemist. OMG. Also, I'm on the last chapter of FFX-2, and mission... 15? of DMC3. (More nerding on all counts surely to follow. XD)
OMG college update! I'm probably going to Montevallo, because... they picked me for one of the new MAPS scholarships! *gleetimesinfinity* ...That's full tuition, fees, etc., $1000 for books, and a chance to study abroad. Stoked does not even begin to cover it! *glee* (Heidi, you still going to Montevallo? Any AL folks? Cuz that'd rock)
So Happy New Year, everybody! Let's rock 2007 hardcore! *guitar riff*