Jan 13, 2011 13:55
Lord, y'all. My grandmother is, as I type, complaining about "the liberal media" and extolling the alleged virtues of Sarah Palin. The other day she was talking about sympathizing with the TeabaggersTea Party. As if I needed more reasons not to take her seriously.
So glad I'm moving. SO GLAD OMG.
santa on the astral plane,
brooklyn rage,
equal rights or something,
oh god how did this get here,
epic fail,
snape kills dumbledore,
oh yeah politics,
i believe in harvey dent,
seriously what,
let me tell you internets,
to the left to the left,
no dick it's wigglytuff,
odd tag combinations,
out here in the fields,
just putting it out there,
fuck you kid you're a dick,
leeeeeeeroy jenkinnnnnns,
oh yeah i has a family,
needs moar loki,
fuck you blooper,
politics or something,
people suck,
your mom believes in harvey dent,
flaming ant epidemic,
not quite,
enjoy my suffering,
not so much,
fuck no,
oh shit get the fuck out,
oh hansi,
i am scorpio and i will end you,
madness? this is sparta!,
the hell you say,
lol wut,
oh you,
what sorcery is this?,
mccain is a t-rex,
though i know i should be wary...,
oooooooooo noooooooo,
this is why we can't have nice things,
exciting use of tags,
oh no you didn't,
teh gay,
oh goddamit nappa,
thank you for bein' a dick,
losers ahead,
loud noises,
mysteries of life,
oh the inanity,
lol you dumbass,
bite my shiny metal ass