Something like an update.

Feb 09, 2009 21:37

Whee. I forgot how much I love having nailpolish on my fingernails. It's a pain to get the stuff on and looking halfway decent, but damn is it worth it when I manage it. It makes my (big ol' Kingdom Hearts-looking, lol) hands look longer and leaner, and delicate in a cool way. I feel purty. Or at least my hands do, lol. What color? Traffic cone orange! :D It stands out from my pale-as-goth skin pretty well. Also, it's traffic cone orange! What's not to love? 8D

In other news, I r teh poet English major. I write teh poems. Well, teh poem singular currently, but still. Yay, it's a sonnet, and yay it's actually about something for once. Usually I just write vague sonnets about the sea. Yeah, I'm strange. (Haha, instead of a woman personified as nature, I write about nature personified as a woman. I'm edgy, or something. Nineteenth century edgy, probably.)

Also also, in reference to my earlier Superjail fangirling, I'm working on some fanart for it. On a giant fucking posterboard. Because I hate myself, apparently. Pics if I ever finish it, lawls.

Aaaaaand I think that's it for now. Other than I'm apparently returning from my self-imposed internet exile, or something. What can I say, January was kind of shitty.

token song reference in tags, kingdom heaaaaaaarts, and i pity any girl who isn't me today, tags i'm gonna get a lot of mileage out, sparky is a hermit, it's all jared's fault, lol tags, english majors live in cardboard boxes, poet and didn't know it, a social life is for other people, everything is jared's fault, i'm five years older and in college, poet and did know it, sparky actually does something for once, lawls

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