Dec 17, 2008 15:52
Well, since the semester from hell is over, you'd think I'd be feeling better, right? I guess not. :\ Honestly, I think a lot of it is that now I'm "allowed" to be upset, you know? I don't have to hold it together to get a paper done on time, or anything. Well, that and the fact that instead of having less stress now, I just have different stress. Sigh.
I mean, let's see here. I'm currently so angry at, upset with, and disappointed in one of my longtime friends. Like... I ignored her phone call earlier, and I'm ignoring her online right now, because I am so, so... I don't even have a word for it, I'm that... that. Yeah.
And well, I keep stressing out about other stuff, too, but eh. I've been thisclose to crying all day, but I think I'll be okay now. I'm about to go see James, and he's gonna make me cocoa and we're gonna watch Gargoyles. Yay. Hopefully I won't bawwwww all over him, haha.
So... yeah. My depression, let me show you it. :\
it was the age... of gargoyles!,
well maybe not everyone,
tags i will surely use often,
i hate everyone today,
i am scorpio and i will end you,
bah humbug,
malfunctioning emotion chip,
it was a time of darkness,
since when do i have human emotions?,
it was a world of fear,
y so srs?