9 become 8
I enjoyed the opening pro routine for all its gusto, even though a part of me thought ‘Why not a ceilidh/Highland fling?’ (or Welsh folk dancing, or if you must, English folk dancing, okay not seriously on the Morris dancing front.) Because when you did see the actual Irish dancers, who could have done a whole routine all on their own, their stepping was amazing and not Riverdance twee, it felt a bit Oirish, but, like I said it had gusto, with a nice storyline.
Tess wore a mistake of a top, Claudia was boring, Shirley was more ruffled than the previous ep, and way better than Motsi, while Anton and Craig gave us variants on what they’d worn the previous episode.
Recap: everyone got all praise except for Adam, Tilly, Dan and John. I realised I directly quoted Shirley about AJ’s lift in the last post, unattributed. The bigger question was would they call three or four safe in the first batch? It was three, Tom and AJ, unsurprisingly, and then Rhys, who was surprised and delighted, but as the recap observed, he’d had the highest score for a quickstep so far, scoring one more than Sara and so was in the top half. Sadly, Tilly and Nikita weren’t safe and, as with Rhys a few weeks ago, I felt for her youth, because she was clearly a bit crushed (although I didn’t think she’d face anyone who’d scored higher than her.)
Anton got to comment on Adam’s ‘hesitancy’ which was suggestive about who Tilly would face in the dance-off, Craig begged for the perspex to stay after Mosti nagged at him for not giving AJ a 10 (I was on his side and if Bruno returns, you’d imagine Shirley would beg for it to stay too. Although I thik Anton’s done all right and they might not bother bringing Bruno back because of the carbon emissions.)
The Script sang a song I recognise, and the singer had enough presence of mind to shout out the dancers mid song. They deserved it, nice solo work from both (Karen and Gorka, yes?), amazing leaps and commercial meets contemporary.
TessandClaud went to visit a dancing Children in Need project, and their enthusiasm at any form of dancing and motherliness came out.
Second lot: it appeared they were calling them safe in order of scores, until they called Dan safe and skipped over Rose (except she’s popular, isn’t she? So, I didn’t really think she was in danger.)
Dance-off: I thought Adam did improve, while Tlly stayed at about the same with an air of ‘I’m in the dance off because nobody likes me’. The judges made it out to be close, and Craig suggested that he might have chosen Tilly because she had more to offer (or Nikita does?), although Shirley disagreed, but I’m glad Adam went, because the cha cha and the AT lift sequence aside…well, I’ve been over him/them for weeks. ITT confirmed that, because if Strictly was breakin his Olymmpic ankles/calves/Achilles, it was time.
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