Recs 10/?

Sep 25, 2021 16:51

I feel like I should rec a source before getting to the recs. Cairo Time (2009) is a romantic drama, written and directed by Ruba Nedda, a Canadian of Egyptian descent. Despite being about an emotional affair between a married woman and the friend her husband asks to show her Cairo and look out for her when he can’t join her there (infidelity squick), it reeled me in. There’s a touch of ‘Lost in Translation’ about Juliette (Patricia Clarkson) initially, as she suffers discombobulation on top of empty-nest syndrome and spousal abandonment, but as she gets to know Tareq (Alexander Siddig) and his city, a restrained love story develops. If this sound like something you’d be interested in, it’s well worth hunting down, as I did this summer. (And then I tried to write some fic in response to it, struggled and thought I'd check AO3 and lo and behold, thanks to Yuletide, there was fic.)

Fic and fanvid recs in the following fandoms: Alice (2009), The Bletchley Circle (San Fransisco), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Cairo Time (2019) and The Mentalist.

Alice (2009)

Not exactly what you had in mind: la_victorienne (Hatter/Alice, teen, ficlet)

This is gorgeous. The use of language is so Hatter and conveys the exuberance, the everything of loving Alice while doing such down-to-earth, couple-y things. Fluff done well.

The Bletchley Circle: San Francisco

Crowded Table: AurumCalendula (Ensemble)

The song choice is perfect with the imagery of the crowded table, which is such a touchstone on the show and lyrics that epitomise how these women all came together. Genuinely heart-warming vid.


Hope on Fire: shinyjenni (Buffy-centric vid, spoilers for all seasons)

Buffy Anne Summers, Slayer, hero, human being. Great vid.

Cairo Time

Ansak Ya Salam: kattahj (Tareq/Juliette)

Wonderful coda to the film. Writing from Tareq's POV offered a different perspective of Juliette's attraction for him. Builds up to a beautiful, earned ending.

The Mentalist

Jane + Lisbon from the start: Jessicahhhh (Jane/Lisbon, spoilers for everything)

Pass by this vid if you're not a shipper, but if you are, guh.

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the mentalist, fanvid recs, links, watching, themed links, films, recs, buffyverse, tv pre-2021, the bletchley circle, my movie reviews, fanfiction recs, an alice in a wonderland

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