Ghosts 3.5
That ending, though unexpected, was the closest this show’s come to actual horror for a while. I don’t love actual horror, so seeing the dream unnerved me, but I’m delighted to report that I didn’t have it myself on Monday night.
A few misdirections, because I fully epected Mike’s attempts to poison himself so he could see the ghosts would lead to him vomiting, but that was Kitty. The flashback of false memories involving the regular cast was very clever (I thought for a second it was a COVID bubble thing, but they had other extras in to play the church hall people and Kitty’s real memories.) I rather liked the way that they feamed Kitty’s sister’s behaviour, with the emphasis on her cruelty. It was left hanging as to what exactly had happened with her mother. She was clearly acknowledged and seemed to have believed she shared the same mother as her sister, because she’s naïve enough, and that racism was part of Eleanor’s meaness.
Loved the group talking therapy thing and the revelations - that Julian had been slightly tipsy all the time he was a ghost; that Pat’s slavishness to a well-regulated life/borderline disorder had driven his wife away: and Lady Fanny realising she was a gossip addict and being on the nose about Alison’s mission to distract herself from Lucy’s silence by delving into Kitty’s relationship with her sister.
The first scene in the kitchen where we saw a lot of Alison getting distracted by the ghosts from Mike’s POV was telling (and I’d love to know if the actress had rehearsed with the other actors to give her sightlines and rhythms or had to do it all on her own). And the gorgeous missed connections - Mike thinking he’d seen Julian, the Captain not seeing the male life model, the Captain reaching a point where he, the most repressed ghost, had worked himself up to the point of opening up and was dashed.
Robin obviously had the most trauma, although it was also played for chuckles. Humphrey’s body was around more than his head in this one.
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