This is late because August turned into September

Sep 04, 2021 10:03

Ghosts 3.4

Lady Fanny was acting so weirdly OOC that everyone noticed. As speculation grew as to who her fancy ghost was, I did mutter ‘what about the plague victims?’ when they decided it was someone in that room, although I didn’t think it very likely because she’s such a snob, and I’d be surprised if we see them this series, given recent events. They might have got a mention, in passing, in another context, this ep but it would be totally understandable that they’re no-shows.

The revelation that Lady Fanny was having a thing with Humphrey’s (incorporeal) body was delightfully off-kilter, even kinky, and it expanded a little on the head and the body being two different, autonomous entities. The pay-off to Humphrey working himself up to accepting it as a possibility and being willing to join in, but putting Fanny right off, and making the body unhappy with him was funny. I’d almost suspect Pat of talking Humphrey into it to get her back to normal, but Pat wouldn’t do that, would he?

Julian and Robin are a bad influence on each other is my take from the past little run of episodes. Julian was on a particular tear, part naughty schoolboy, part odious sexual harasser, but having Mike interact, mostly incompetently, with him, was fun. That’s a whole lot of trouble that a ghost with the ability to press one key at a time can get you into, although the music was stretching it a bit. The real reason for the boss’s visit was predictable, but didn’t detract from the amusement. Mike’s sudden career success is contrary to usual developments.

Meanwhile, poor Alison. The lawyer’s bombshell about Lucy possibly taking Button House from them, which for all Alison’s tribulations, she obviously loves now, and she really is the best ghost wrangler this lot could hope for, threw her. Thanks to that ghost wrangling, Lucy was getting to know a frazzled and strange Alison. And then she launched the question terribly and ruined everything.

And the poor Captain, I bet he started talking to his pillow when he was sent away to boarding school at far too tender an age, although that moment complemented the Fanny/reunited!Humphrey debacle. But at least Alison still has Thomas to give her an ego boost and gush terrible poetry at her! Also the devoted Kitty.

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uk, tv in 2021, ghosts

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