Recs 9/?

Aug 12, 2021 17:08

Fic recs in the following fandoms: Harry Potter, Jupiter Ascending, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Penelope (2006) and Sherlock.

Harry Potter

More Things in Heaven and Earth: themolesmother (gen, AU, historical figures, OCs, references to canonical characters. Mature themes.)

A gripping interplay of British state history and the Wizarding World. Great, chilling delve into the possible consequences of it.

Jupiter Ascending

with all the gifts: misura (gen, teen, Jupiter, the Apinis, Caine, background Jupiter/Caine)

Really enjoyable ficlet, particularly the portrayals of Jupiter and Kiza.


fight like a girl: Anjali_Organna (Peggy-centric, Peggy/Steve)

What a complete portrait of Peggy through fighting this is. The bittersweetness of the Peggy/Steve and the way she commands respect ultimately despite being so often undervalued and frustrated stood out for me. (Needed a Britpick.)

Penelope (2006)

Aftermath of A Thousand Heartbreaks: kaylessa (Johnny/Penelope ficlet)

The focus on Johnny's feelings at hearing Penelope tell the story lead to an interesting metaish look at storytelling that will probably add to my next rewatch of this movie.


On Invisibility: They’re Grey (Molly-centric ficlet, post Reichenbach)

This is sharp, compassionate and bittersweet.

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sherlock, uk, links, themed links, films, jupiter ascending, marvel cinematic universe, recs, harry potter, tv pre-2021, books, fanfiction recs

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