Recs 13/?

Dec 06, 2020 14:11

Fic and fanvid recs in the following fandoms:

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Lessons in Disobedience: shorti (gen, Maria-centric, jossed, part 4 of ‘The Spirit and the Shield’, I’ve recced previous parts in the past)
Great, plausible backstory in this character study of Maria. I enjoyed the cameos.

Pacific Rim

A Call Answered: imperfect circle (pre-canon gen, Stacker, Mako, OFC, longish, teen)
Thoroughly captivating, thoughtful about grief, trauma and recovery. Set in the first year after Stacker rescued Mako, I loved the foreshadowing of the movie. I particularly appreciated the delicacy around languages.


Warm and Tender As We Can Be: Lovelypoet (post-movie Penelope/Johnny M)
Lovely exploration of their happy ever after. Great characterisation, particularly good on Penelope’s voice. One or two missing words.


Dead is the new Sexy: Radculas (spoilers for 'The Abominable Bride')
Suitably gonzo Moriarty vidlet

Who Is The Lamb: tiltedsyllgoism (Molly-centric gen, post the Fall)
Such a good exploration of Molly's character in these circumstances.

I have no more recs waiting to be posted, but there's a lot of December left, so...

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sherlock, uk, fanvid recs, links, themed links, films, marvel cinematic universe, recs, pacific rim, fanfiction recs, tv pre-2020

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