Recs 11/?

Sep 27, 2020 15:14

Fanfic and fanvid recs in the following fandoms: The Blue Castle, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Hunger Games and Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The Blue Castle

Into the Black: amyfortuna (pre Valancy/Barney ficlet, Space AU)

So good. Space AUs are my jam, but this was so cleverly translated, and the John Foster quotes were in true Montgomery style.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Where Brooklyn At?: kasuchi (Gen, strong Jake/Amy subplot, long, sketch show AU)

So entertained (and impressed) by how the show's vibe and characters were translated to this utterly credible world.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Once: Afterthebattle (Buffy-centric fanvid, spoilers for everything)

Sympathetic portrait of Buffy and the cost of everything she's been through, I was struck by the delicacy of SMG's face.

The Hunger Games

I'm okay as long as I can hear your voice: Like A Dove (Peeta/Katniss ficlet, spoilers for Mockingjay)



Sand Between Your Fingers: Barkour (Loki/Sif ficlet)

Atmospheric and with just the right balance of tensions. Good stuff.
This entry was originally posted at

brooklyn nine-nine, fanvid recs, links, themed links, films, recs, buffyverse, marvel cinematic unniverse, books, fanfiction recs, tv pre-2020

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