Recs 10/?

Sep 08, 2020 13:52

Sneaking six in this time. Fic and fanvid recs in the following fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe; The Seven Kingdoms trilogy (although I believe it's going to be expanded soon); Sherlock/Avengers (TV); Star Trek (movies reboot); Vicky Bliss; and The West Wing.

Lipstick Kisses: musesfool (Steve/Peggy ficlet)
I love the contrasts in this, and how it’s richer than that.

The Seven Kingdoms trilogy

Katsa’s Guide to the Seven Kingdoms: laelia Katsa/Po canon-typical teen, longish
I enjoyed this, the framing device worked well, and the callbacks to other sections were fun. Katsa and Po are so in love in such a them way.

Sherlock/Avengers (TV)

Untitled drabble: rabidsamfan
Fun comparison of Mycroft with Steed. It feels like it's bordering on meta rather than being a fic, which is more of an observation than a criticism.

Star Trek (movies reboot)

What It Means: C. Laplace (Kirk & ensemble)
Watch this and see if you don't feel disappointed that there's no news of a fourth movie.

Vicky Bliss

Vicky Bliss and the Thief: katayla (Hogwarts AU/fusion, Vicky/John)
Excellent Vicky voice, and I loved the transplatnation to Hogwarts, most of all of the Vicky/John dynamic.

The West Wing

That Don't Impress Me Much: hexenmeister (CJ and her men, er, esteemed colleagues)
An enjoyable pick-me-up of a vid. Loved the theming and the use of movement.

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links, films, star trek, the west wing, suits, harry potter, uk, sherlock, fanvid recs, themed links, crossover recs, marvel cinematic universe, recs, books, superman hetfic, supernatural, fanfiction recs, tv pre-2020

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