Writing/fics posted in August

Aug 31, 2020 13:56

I posted three ficlets this month (I meant to post them more closely together). They’re all Scorpion, either PG or U and all three are outsider POVs of Walter/Paige.

I wrote Achilles’ Heel after watching the ep Tech, Drugs and Rock & Roll, which was after I had drafted, if not posted, ‘Pandora’s Box’, so the idea of the title came naturally. (I don’t think there’ll be any more Greek myth titles (although who knows?), but this one tickled me, because, of course Smaisley ends up with Paige pinning him down with her foot on his chest. She’s a valued team member, not Achilles’ heel, thank you very much

From the response (the Waige subsection of Scorpion fandom seems to live on ff.net), it’s maybe too closely tied to the episode in question.

Never Let Her Go came about from me seeing the prompt ‘lap sitting’ in the three-sentence ficathon well after it had closed. This was after I saw ‘Tech, Drugs and Rock & Roll’ and wrote the last fic, because I was inspired by Cabe witnessing Paige’s Feelings about all that. I feel a bit cheap for the Happy driving thing, but no cheaper than the show.

With The Ties That Bind, I don’t recall if it was after ‘Satellite of Love’ that I wrote about Walter wanting Paige to do up his ties for the rest of his life, but that’s the idea behind this fic, with thanks also to Tech, Drugs & Rock and Roll where she neatens his collar, and Charades for that matter, although after I’d drafted it, as I noted, Walter stops wearing ties in season 2 perhaps because the character is more open (he’s not), the actor asked or to change things up. Whatever, wardrobe. Whatever. I fiddled a lot with this fic, possibly because I wanted to get the other two posted first and I had too much time to come back to it. I enjoyed Ralph’s wide vocabulary, even if his thinking process was tougher. The title, for ages was ‘all tied up’ which should be the title of an entirely different Scorpion fic. And I am a little abashed after Harry Hill’s World of TV pointed out medical dramas love this title.

I felt that these fics were ready to be posted, partly because they’re short, also as outsider POV fics, they avoid delving into Paige, let alone Walter’s heads. Because yes, more Scorpion fic has been written to various degrees, although I know I won’t be posting some of it.

My next post will probably be about Strike, but I might as well wait until I've seen tonight's episode.

This entry was originally posted at https://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/435291.html.

scorpion, links, tv pre-2020, self-promoting links, writing meta, writing

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