Writing Scorpion fic

Jul 11, 2020 09:36

I posted a ficlet (mostly last weekend, but I only got around to posting it at AO3 this morning) looking at you looking at me (Scorpion, Paige/Walter, spoilers for season 1).

It was written over last weekend, inspired by a prompt quoting ‘I don’t want to miss a thing’ (which subsequently earwormed me). It’s more me jumping off the ideas of not wanting to sleep and watching someone you love than a songfic, although I read this delightful story from The Ringer about the making of the song when searching for a title. I know I didn’t do the recentish fic title meme, so here: the ficlet was nearly called ‘song for lovelorn insomniacs’, taken from that feature, except that describes the song more than the fic.

The fic was inevitable as I’ve been obsessing over the show and these two. Up till this I’d written bits about team as family and Paige mothering Ralph, but this came fairly completely. That the prompt was drabbles or multiples thereof helped. I’ll admit to handwaving the plot as I don’t have a writer’s room to google hacks that a genius might come up with. I can only manage UST-laden vignettes.

The response of ff.net was ‘more please.’ But I’ve since seen ‘Satellite of Love’ and moved on mentally. I am way behind on posting my episode reactions, but that's partly because I'm writing more Scorpion fic.

This entry was originally posted at https://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/429125.html.
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