Recs 5/?

May 17, 2020 15:46

Recs for fanvids and fics in the following fandoms: DC Universe, Downton Abbey, Firefly and Killing Eve.


Selachimorpha: Cherry Ice (Arthur/Mera)
This vid made me giggle with delight as it riffs off the film's goofiness beautifully. (Admittedly, if you're the parent of a young child, you might not have the same response.

Katanóisi: Apricot (post BvS pre-Bruce/Diana?)
Great character piece wherein Bruce reaches out to Diana. (I think it’s the first in a series, I’m looking forward to reading the rest.)

Downton Abbey

Glad You Came: cienna (ensemble, spoilers up to the s3 Christmas special)
This vid spans the hearfelt and silly moments that made up Downton.


Untitled Mal/Kaylee five things fic: astralis (Mal/Kaylee)
A charming five times Mal couldn’t find the words to tell Kaylee something over their developing relationship fic. His voice is good.

Killling Eve

One Way or Another: Fluffer Nutter (Eve/Villanelle, violence, spoilers for season 1)
This vid captures theur mutual obsession with a nice ramping up of tension.

uk, fanvid recs, batverse, links, firefly, themed links, films, wonder woman, firefly-serenity, recs, killing eve, downton abbey, fanfiction recs, tv pre-2020

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