There's a reason I'm discussing both these episodes

May 09, 2020 17:33

I caught up with both these shows yesterday (still miles behind on Brooklyn Nine-Nine).

B99 7.6 Trying

Touching ending after an episode that pushed the show’s format nicely, with a lot more subplots than usual along with Jake and Amy trying for a baby, with most of them coming together at the wedding. Loads of excellent lines, which of course I don’t remember to quote, and the build up with the creepy room paid off.

Terry had to boss a recalcitrant Holt and animal-loving Rosa and Boyle (so they’ve been withut a captain for slightly over six months? Well, okay, duly noted. Won’t Holt’s demotion be coming to an end soon, then?) Guinea pigs = tribbles in an episode referencing Grounhog Day.

And tying it all together, Jake and Amy going slightly crazy over trying to make a baby, and the show going the bittersweet route that some sitcoms do (HIMYM’s storyline for Robin comes to mind) of facing up to the fact it’s not always easy.

(I watched this episode while drinking a can of Diet Coke, which was intense, because it’s at least two months (or more) since I had any Diet Coke, mainly because it’s the kind of thing I drink outside of the house and…yeah…

Killing Eve 3.4 Still Got It

I’m grouping these two shows together, which I wasn’t intending to do, because they both pushed their usual pattern. Instead of the usual title for the location, we first got told who we were following, and I was left curious as to why, as there was only some overlapping. It took Dasha to reveal all, or nearly all. As the ending shows, Villanelle isn’t just ‘skittish’ because of Eve.

So, first of all, it was boring old Niko. I thought the fans of the moustache would be happy, and I realised I haven’t spelled his name properly (did I learn this before and then forget it??) I bought that he’d forgiven her enough to ask her to come over to Poland (without understanding the text of the texts) and didn’t read too much into the hesitant wave in response to hers.

Then it was Eve - not in a turtleneck, but constantly in the same grey top, staying and ‘working’ at the utterly improbable investigative online thing. She ignored boundaries with new!Kenny, found out his boss was kind enough to offer her somewhere to live, although I think that doing what he did as a youth and turning away from it and doing what she’s done so recently puts Eve and him on a different journey,. There was some tension about what she’d reveal.

We then followed Konstantin, cheating on his actual daughter with his surrogate daughter, for Irena came off as a little Villanelle in their scene. She’s so on to him. Ditto Carolyn, although she was too busy being traumatised to check her home for bugs.

Villanelle was giddy about Eve, who she’d traumatised out of her pad. Her hiccoughing over her family was striking, especially how it played into the kill scene. Her tribute to Dasha may well lead to their coming a cropper…

I did lagh at Dasha needing a fag after swimming a bit. We met a competent seeming boss lady from The Twelve, who we would surely like to see again to see how she matches up against Konstantin and Carolyn.

Ask a retired assassin to do something, and there will be bodies. First, poor Niko, then poor Eve. (You don’t want to be a man on this show, the chances of getting killed ae high. Unless if you’re Konstatin, and he’s more expendable than most of the ladies.)

Villanelle had a little moment of sympathy with poor dead Niko before going ‘HOME’, wherever that is. People with worked-out theories must be gagging to know.

[ETA: Good grief, it crssposted succsefully!]

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brooklyn nine-nine, uk, killing eve, tv in 2020

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