
Mar 06, 2020 07:45

At the start of the week, I posted a ficlet Reaching (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Kira Nerys, missing scene for 3.15 ‘Destiny). My first Deep Space Nine ficlet, and I know it’s niche, a response by me to something I felt was lacking in the episode as I rewatched it. After writing no fiction all of January and most of February, I was glad to have something to post. There has been a bit more fic writing than this since the end of February, but who knows if it’ll come to anything.

I watched Noughts and Crosses. Will post thoughts eventually.

This entry was originally posted at https://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/417149.html.

star trek, st: ds9, comings-and-goings, self-promoting links, writing meta, writing

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