2020 Recs 1/?

Jan 25, 2020 14:59

I haven't made any resolutions excapt maybe to make life easier for myself this year. One thing I plan to try out is to post smaller batches of recs more often.

So, here are recs for fics and vids in the following fandoms: 12 Dancing Princesses, Alias, the Blade Runner movies, the Bourne movies and Dirty Dancing.

12 Dancing Princesses

Princesses, Dancing: ForsythiaRising gen
This is such a satisfying read. I loved how it came together. It’s more or less the tale of what happened next, sister by sister.


American Tune: Andraste (teen, show-typical violence)
Spy!Daddy!!! Or rather, an emotive, reflective vid about/character study of Jack Bristow.

Blade Runner movies

The Sound of Silence: bradcpu (Deckard, Joe, Roy)
Beautiful and powerful. As other commentators said, it builds tension masterfully. Great choice of song and version of said song.

The Bourne movies

The Art of Living: YeomanRand (gen, strong teen, graphic violence)
The hook of this fic is Marta meeting Nicky, but the particular circumstances in which they meet are powerfully written.

Dirty Dancing

?How Do You Call Your Loverboy: lowriseflare Baby/Johnny teen ficlet
Gorgeous UST-laden missing moment from the film. I love how it gets inside Baby’s head and all the details that bring the scene to life.

This entry was originally posted at https://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/414595.html.

fanvid recs, spy movies, alias, links, films, recs, fanfiction recs, tv pre-2020

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