The one in-between

Nov 24, 2019 20:21

Strictly Come Dancing

I liked the use of fans in the opening number, but I’m not sure whether that all came about because they were looking for filler as they’re one dancer short, and Bruno said, ‘I can sing.’ And, well, he wasn’t out of tune, but they might as well have had Anton do it.

Metallic pantsuit and black dress from TessnClaud, which, frankly, felt reassuring after that, although Tess’s hair looked overly straightened. Motsi went big and Shirley went classy. The contestants were mostly wearing what you’d expect them to wear for their dances, although Kelvin and Oti were more Northern Soul than street commercial.

Tough for Saffron to get a samba after being in the dance-off, but I saw the bounce, though the dance didn’t quite engage me. The post-Blackpool judging began with the comments and scores.

Most of the best thing about Tameka reading the Ts and Cs for me was bringing Gorka to the fore, although the Eastenders sound effect and the throw to Tess were better.

We got Karim’s life story in the VT because he was doing a couples’ choice (contemporary). I liked the routine more than I expected to from the rehearsal footage I’d seen. Mime for someone who studied drama morphed into proper dancing, I liked his control and synchro with Amy, and I really liked the dynamic between them (when I can find their relationship annoying). I thought Craig was responding to what Karim was doing rather than the storyline as he did with the other male celebs, BTW.

Alex was doing the first Argentine tango, and I thought there was a lot of strength to it, even if it wasn’t one for the ages (a little part of me weeps that we never got to see what Michelle would have done with it). The gancho section was a lot. The end underwhelmed, but I’m wondering if that was because they got entangled (which sounds like it was a problem throughout.)

Another life story VT for Kelvin’s couples choice. Now, I am as primed to respond to something off the Romeo + Juliet soundtrack cuts as anyone (and this was a good Red Curtain Trilogy-referencing night, no?) but you didn’t have to provide your actual wedding footage, dude. I loved the scarfography, enjoyed the tableography, didn’t quite know how to respond to the switch to the hiphop section (the reverse of Craig) but obviously, he danced it well.

Anton’s ‘I did’ when Emma said she didn’t believe she’s get a 10 was one of their sweeter moments as we rehashed all that. Their routine felt too much as if the choreography was running against the grain of the song (apart from the weaving), and I saw the gapping, though I’m left wondering if her mistakes meaning they weren’t in sync exacerbated everything.

At this point, I was wondering: all male final?

I then properly noticed Karen’s sleeves. Oo-er. I thought their paso had clever choreography and he’s clearly improved to be able to sell it, but he often had to just stand there for her to dance around him. I saw where Bruno was coming from. Then Craig gave Chris the same score as Kelvin and less than Bruno did. WHAT EVEN?



Well well well.

It started off with the clapping going on just a little too long and covering Andreo Boccelli’s voice. Such a nicer voice than his compatriot’s. Also, they took advantage of it not being a distraction to him to get loads of the pros on to waft, twirl and hand Janette from male dancer to male dancer up in the air as he did a medley. Which is to say I enjoyed it.

Enter Tess and Claud in colours that feel like ones trolls would have picked. Suitably, Shirley wore white (with a mini cape) and Motsi asymmetric black.

The main thing I noted about the round-up was that we had a clip from most of the judges for each dance.

I didn’t read much beyond Anton’s popularity into him and Emma being called safe and then Kelvin and Oti. Predictably, Saffron was not safe, and started weeping again. We learned that Emma will be doing a Charleston for musicals week. (Under-rehearsed, I presume.) And then Kelvin revealed the appalling prank he’d played on his father, shattering last week’s nice guy points.

Ellie from ‘The Greatest Dancer’ is rather extraordinary. What she was doing with her legs! Oti continued doing a nice bit of mentoring as she returned to being an overwhelmed 15 year old. (Who reminded us she’d been born in the same year as the show. Heh.)

Dance debrief: after an impromptu hug at Claudia’s suggestion, due to the scoring. Craig got his 10 out for Bruno’s performance. Nuff said.

Chris and Karen’s celebration only seemed restrained because we’d had Anton and Emma’s earlier. I was preparing myself for Alex’s Argentine Tango without entanglement. BUT NO.

SHOCK TWIST: from being joint top, Karim and Amy must have had no votes to get into the bottom two. Alex and Neil’s flabbergasted faces said it all. Off camera, I presume AJ started sobbing along with Saffron.

So, basically this is Kelvin and Oti’s now, AMIRITE? Unless if she does something stupid choreographically (not likely) because although everyone likes Chris, more people fancy Kelvin (so they should pick the rumba/tango/samba).

Anyway, Karim picked himself up - because it’s probably a kicker to be rejected after doing a ‘this is my story’ contemporary - and won the dance-off, obviously, but he ain’t going to win the show after this, even if he makes it to the finals, which he still should.

Again, staggering.

AJ was a little too honest about his low expectations for Saffron, initially, given the circs.

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uk, costumes, tv in 2019, strictly come dancing

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