of writing and (watching) dancing

Sep 08, 2019 08:36

On Friday, I posted two Poldark ficlets. The Most Luminous Star (Caroline/Dwight, Horace, Ross) is a space AU retelling of the ‘you were magnificent’ scene in 5.5, because I’m a member of the Caroline Enys fan club. Yet again, it’s an AU (possibly influenced by the Star Trek Enterprise deep dive the other week). I’d written the draft before seeing the next episodes which made them an interesting watch.

For the giver is given too (Demelza POV, Morwenna/Drake) is a drabble with a missing moment from 5.6. It’s the first time I’ve not gone for an AU with this canon, which has always left plenty of holes you could fill in it.

Right, I can now proceed to watch the finale! But not just yet.

Strictly 2019 launch show

No theme that I could see, but who needs one when you have a Kylie medley? I especially liked what they did with the ‘All the Lovers’ section. The celebs looked overwhelmed at this point.

A good bit of pro dancing, even formation dancing, to bridge the move back to the studio. Did they try to Bondify the Strictly theme before turning to Beyonce?

Claudia invited a Dave Arch + restraining order gag. Tess was Tess. I liked Shirley’s bob and the pleat effect on her gown, while Motsi Went Big. I’m all for a judge with a relevant dancing background, but I’ve been most fascinated about the sisterly dynamic - how will having big sis be a judge affect Queen Oti?

I knew two of the ‘celebs’ and realised I’d heard of four more of them by the time they introduced themselves. I had a much stronger reaction to the lack of Gorka, although I’m pleased for Neil, Johannes and Luba that they got promoted to partnering. New lady Nancy doesn’t have a partner and Grazziano is around, but without a speaking role, it seems. Given his communication issues last year, fair enough.

I called AJ getting the 19-year-old Saffron, although I thought AJ plus Michelle would have been hilarious, myself. Otherwise, I got quite close but not spot on on some couples because of heights.

Motsi was using the j-word with alacrity. Has nobody told her about the UK viewing public’s drinking problem?

I LOVED Shirley’s bit in the judges’ dance and the overall idea of different coloured cubes. The lady judges obviously outshone the men.

I said last year that Amy should have a ringer this season. Well, she’s got Karim, although I’m not sure if he’s fully in control of his face?! Maybe one shouldn’t try to guess what level of kids TV programme presenter hyper he is from this first show.

A meh song from Mark Ronson and Yabba (Dabba Doo?), but it left me wanting to see more of the dancing, which had lots of impressive lifts and poses with tension.

Anoton didn’t get Anneka, which we all expected, and though I know he’s had a tough last few seasons, plus the return of Ann Widdecombe at Christmas, I can’t have been the only one going ‘Katie Derham’ and chuckling at the ‘my mum loves him’ put down. This meant that Kevin was already planning to bring in a helicopter and jumpsuit to the first routine. He and Anneka look like they’ll be HAMTASTIC.

It was fun to see Stacey and Kevin’s paso again, even if I won’t dignify their nickname for it. Tess’s one bright, shining moment was rightly observing that the celebs looked terrified after seeing that.

They left the most excitable men ‘til last, with signature dance moves this and signature handshakes that.

When it came to the group dance, I realised I still haven’t learned most of the celebs’ names, but the younger ladies seemed to be giving it some, while of the gents, only Karim seemed to have a clue.

And then we had the postscript of the first injury - from the group dance! I was looking forward to Queen Oti bossing the posh blonde bloke around, and we are denied that, plus the sister judging sister's choreography and teaching, and she is denied another year. This saddens me, but that’s the first booking for this year’s Christmas special sorted.

This entry was originally posted at https://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/398707.html.

poldark, uk, links, strictly come dancing, writing, tv in 2019, writing meta, self-promoting links

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