Agents of SHIELD and Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Aug 05, 2019 20:14

Agents of SHIELD 6.11 From the Ashes

My problem with this episode was the central conflict between May and Daisy, and particularly Daisy’s actions. Listen to your BFF Jemma Simmons, Daisy! But no, she had to go about it the hard way.

As I’d decided that Sarge was a composite of Coulson up to whatever point, the formless being with the unpronounceable name and his century of hunting Izel, May seeing the Coulson in him and thinking that was a way to bind him to them, while Daisy refused that and saw him as less of a person than a weapon was hard to be bothered by. May initially got the most out of him - superstrength (as if he didn’t have amazing healing recoveries, let’s give him the equivalent of a robot hand). Daisy went too far with ‘you are nothing’, because while he’s been means-justify-the-ends bad, he is a person. Jemma called her out on always running from her grief, and her response was to read a letter - I adored that they trusted Bennet’s acting and didn’t give us a voiceover - and go bait and Quake Sarge all on her own. ‘Team Fitzsimmins’s horrified response made me grin, but I was all like ‘you deserve what you get here, “Agent Johnson”’. You could tell that nobody was in charge as she and May had equal authority, i.e. no authority over the other.

Sarge came into his powers, essentially, a bit, but in a later confrontation it was hearing the man with her father figure’s face call her Skye, which had to come from Coulson’s memories, that made her drop the sword. (The sword is funny also, because for all the technobabble, it’s a sword to slay the dragon. I mean bad alien.) Daisy may say it was the self-sacrificing motivation, which, yes, but it was the name. May thought unprintable things about mothering a superpowered agent.

I was amused by the expansion of Fitzsimmons to Team Fitzsimmons, as Deke hung on their coat-tails, until he got his moment of geek glory and his grandparents approved of him.

Poor Piper grieved for Davis, who was a superior kind of redshirt to the one accompanying Benson, who got killed within about a minute. There was way more evidence that Izel is a piece of work. A disorientated Yo-Yo forgot the rule of asking personal questions, but blood on your hands will do that to you, I guess. Benson’s partner was really hot. Why didn’t they cast him as the Fitzsimmons replacement? Nice move to bring back stone boy. Mack and Yo-Yo talked about their relationship status, but I care a little more that they’re still mentioning Robbie Reyes, which surely suggests he’ll return at some point this season.

I watched that live, I’ve been catching up on Brooklyn Nine-Nine, but am still behind. Here are my thoughts on the last three eps I watched:

6.14 Ticking Clocks

I was unconvinced by all the computer talk, but as the obstacles of rude sorority girls (tryhards), Rosa getting dumped and work-obsessed Amy going crazy, not to mention the garlic bread business, I got distracted. Some of the floor searches seemed more thorough than others. Andy Samberg held it all together as Jake, calling Rosa out on her response to getting dumped, for instance, and weaving the gags together. I had realised there was no hacker and Sam had been a very bad hobbit before the characters, and that the garlic bread, not Rosa, would save the day. But it was still effective when it happened, especially because they all used the distraction to pull their guns and Jake to tackle the perp. The simplicity of the final scene - Hitchcock and Scully enjoying their lasagne without garlic bread - was beautiful.

6.15 Return of the King

Didn’t love the direction they took Gina in, but Terry’s irritation and Jake’s slow realisation she’d been blowing him off were fun, and Gina became more funny after the stabbing and on drugs. Holt around Nicolaj was fun, although I was always dubious of the ‘genius’ thing, having seen his birth father, and it was cool that Holt opened up about his daddy issues around Charles. Very nice use of Rosa, Amy (I love her, but she was so annoying there was no wonder Rosa had to be pushed to desperation to ask her for help) and Hitchcock and Scully’s personality traits. And Rosa’s slo-mo CRAZYFACE in the door-opening attempt was certainly something.

6.16 Cinco de Mayo

I’d forgotten that we missed the Halloween heist, but sure, shift it to Cinco de Mayo. Everyone got very, very mean and competitive. They lampshaded Scully’s surprise twin brother, but Scully’s reaction to the news that Earl was in town made me squeak in surprise, mostly.

It just built up from there, from the absurd disguises, to the one-upmanship, Cheddar’s final run and Kevin getting brought into it all. Perhaps I should be counting down to the next Halloween heist.

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marvel cinematic universe, brooklyn nine-nine, agents of shield, tv in 2019

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