Update on fic posted recently

Jul 22, 2019 16:12

This month, I've posted a few fics, mainly ficlets:

we had seasons in the sun (BTVS, Dawn & Tara friendship, 124 words.) Written after seeing the prompt ‘Buffyverse, any, I have been, and always shall be, your friend.’ Posted the day after. I can’t quite see why my brain there given the BtVS episodes I’ve been rewatching, although I understand why the dynamic of a younger woman who has lost an older woman resonated. The title comes from the song, even if the POV is different.

A Party is Serious Business (The Hobbit, Sigrid/Fíli. 1,301 words. Movieverse. Everyone Lives - AU. Summary: There is nothing like a party involving dwarves, Sigrid is starting to learn.)

The prompt (Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit, any, mild dwarven shenanigans’) is from September 2018, and I started writing the fic soon after seeing it. I think it was always above the thousand-word mark. I fell for this pairing, which is total fanon of fanon, through fic, but the idea of two young people from such different cultures and different races, sharing a sense of duty, and a political alliance built on respect and goodwill turning into love appeals. Anyway, they were my way into filling the prompt. I thought the fic was ready to post, but it was storm season, and there are enough references to that metaphor that I let it rest, but then came back to it recently to give it another polish. As it’s my first fic in this bit of the fandom and I’d been brooding over it so long, I’m glad another pair of eyes looked over it, because I was at the point of fiddling with it while being blind to typos.

Interrobang (Harry Potter, Lily Evans/James Potter, 63 words ) Written and posted on the evening I saw the prompt of ‘forgot their homework’ after a bit of fiddling to get the multiple of 21. I don’t think I’ve posted this pairing before.

All is brightness (Original, drabble, teen, for the prompt 'summer mating'.) I’ve put it as OC/OC, because although in my head the narrator is female, the lover male, it’s not textual and I think the prompter is a slasher. This more or less came to me as a drabble.

Lastly, the only one not inspired by a comment_fic prompt is Strnge Bedfellows (Gotham, Barbara/Ed/Jim. 328 words, teen. Summary: One of them is amused, one of them is feverish and one of them is confused, among other states.)

I wrote this before the latter two ficlets, but I’m not sure if I’d have posted it if it hadn’t been for them. This is the scene that came into my brain after Jim explains his working together with Barbara and Ed with this phrase in 13 Stitches. I, er, paused the show to write it. Apparently I like torturing Ed, and I do like that Barbara is amused and behind it all, given what happened to her in the episode. Otherwise, I don’t ship them. Anyway, there I was thinking that I had a block over writing season 5 Gotham fic. Ha!

This entry was originally posted at https://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/391048.html.

batverse, links, films, gotham, comings-and-goings, writing, buffyverse, harry potter, books, tv in 2019, shipping, meta, self-promoting links, writing meta, lotr

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