Two drabbles: Sky High (Warren/Layla) and ER (Neela/Ray)

May 19, 2019 19:24

In Her Element, Sky High, Warren/Layla, Drabble, Universal.
For the prompt ‘Any, Any/Any, Hiking through a rainforest’ at comment_fic.

In Her Element: shallowness

The canopy is too dense for sunlight to fall through, and Layla’s superpower isn't to glow like Zack does, but following her, Warren could swear that she's shining bright. She's in her element in this part of the rainforest. Following her is a good idea, because the vegetation clears a path for her, making what was described as a hike more of a stroll.

Warren isn't surprised that the first time Layla came to volunteer in the Amazonian rainforest has passed into legend, for many reasons. Coming along with her on her return trip was an easy decision to make.

I Love You in MPH. ER, Neela/Ray, Drabble, Universal.
For the prompt 'Any, Any/Any, Coming home from the hospital with their baby' at comment_fic. Post-series.

I Love You in MPH: shallowness

Ray is driving so, so cautiously that Neela has to look at him.

"Stop staring," he murmurs, eyes glued on the road. "You'd be complaining if I was driving at normal speed."

"As it is, I'm wondering whether you switched your body with an old woman who’s never been to Baton Rouge before while I was giving birth," Neela retorts. Her eyes fly back to the baby in the car seat. Their baby. Sangita Abigail Barnett-Rasgotra is asleep. Gorgeous. Terrifying. Wonderful.

"She's incredible, isn't she?" Neela murmurs.

"Yeah," he says, and sticks way below the limit all the way home.

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fanfiction, sky high genfic, films, writing, sky high, er hetfic, er, tv pre-2019

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