Post-Easter recs 1/?

Apr 22, 2019 08:24

These have been building for a while.

Fanart and fanfiction recs in the following fandoms: The Addams Family; Aquaman; Avengers (UK TV) Brooklyn Nine-Nine; Crazy Rich Asians; Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; Fairy Tale; Harry Potter and The Hour.

The Addams Family
Gomez and Morticia: muirin007 (G/M fanart)
I love the use of lines here, the conceptual simplicity of it and how the wavy lines of her hair and gown/body contrast with his straighter lines.

Air Pockets: reeby10 (Written for my prompt of ‘Aquaman, Arthur Curry/Mera, air-pockets’)
This ficlet features make-outs and characterisation, and made me beam.

Avengers (UK TV)
Must Be Tuesday: rabidsamfan (Peel and Steed gen, hurt/comfort.)
Marvellous. The tone (Emma Peel’s POV and dialogue) and goings-on are spot on.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine
December Three-One: Minna Leigh (lady-centric gen)
A sympathetic rookie cop is pulled in two directions by Diaz and Santiago’s instructions. Great build-up with a satisfying ending.

Hey Baby (Drop it to the Floor): marksist (Jake/Amy)
Summary: Baby + doorstep + Jake Peralta = panic
Great balance between amusing and feels.

Crazy Rich Asians
Beginnings: Fabrisse (Rachel & Geik Lin friendship)
Really enjoyable series of vignettes about the two women’s developing friendship.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Free to Inhabit:voleuse (Shu Lien/Mu Bai fix-it)
This is beautiful, mostly note-perfect, and I love that as well as the progression of the love story it also brings in Shu Lien’s history with Wudan, which makes the end even sweeter.

Fairy Tale
The Queen’s Tale: willowbough
A Queen tells her daughters a tale, and to say too much more would be to spoil it, but it’s got the cadence and heart of a fairy tales and a thoughtful take on the nature of storytelling. (Minor quibble, a big block of the text is in italics, which I found a little irritating.)

Harry Potter
“He thinks, she wants”: femmenerd (Ron/Hermione light R ficlet)
Nice use of contrast and gender role reversals here.

The Hour
This black and white photo can’t capture my skin: voodochild (Lix-centric Lix/Randall, canon couples). Strong teen, long.)
This is vivid, compelling and convincing stuff. I really liked how The Hour era slotted into this much richer context of the making of Lix Storm. The Spanish Civil War era gets the most attention, and there’s horror and trauma, finding Randall and then losing him, and grit and booze and humour. Excellent.

Unbecoming: voodoochild (Fairy Tale AU, Lix/Randall, canon couples)
The tone of this is so well judged, and the translation of The Hour, of all shows, to the fairy tale form, especially the characters' natures, works spectacularly well.

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brooklyn nine-nine, uk, the hour, batverse, links, themed links, films, recs, harry potter, books, fanart recs, tv pre-2019, fanfiction recs

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