A little more shipposting: Taylor Townsend/Ryan Atwood

Feb 27, 2019 07:54

Taylor/Ryan from The OC.

If you like your romantic comedies screwball, may I present this ship from 2007? A totally unexpected, on-the-face-of-it bizzaro ship that a show doing a complete u-turn from teen melodrama to relatively brighter ground threw together. The show had killed off Ryan’s tragic, doomy first love, Marissa, at the end of season 3, so he started off the fourth season being (even more) monosyllabic, distant, grieving. Taylor Townsend, a comic character introduced in the third season to play off Seth, was back in Newport, but in hiding because she’d accidentally married a Frenchman. As you do.

Their interaction properly started when white knight Ryan helped her get a divorce by pretending to be her lover, and the show and (some) viewers took note that the ‘immovable’ object (him) and the irresistible force (her) had sizzling chemistry.

Cue stalking. Which Ryan seemed to find adorable. I feel I should note that Bringing Up Baby is one of my all-time favourite movies.

I loved this ship the first time season 4 aired, and rewatched the season over the winter, which lead me to rereading fic and hunting up old links. Of course, so much time has passed that some links didn’t work any more :(

Here are a couple of fics that stood up for me:

An Evening of T&A: chazper (Teen) This shows a strong grasp of the characters, giving us an alternative version of Taylor bulldozing Ryan out of his post-season 3 state as only she could. Funny, but also touching.

Frame by Frame: whatever-we-are (A 50 sentence fic - remember those?) It’s a lovely glimpse of how awesome Taylor is in Ryan's eyes.

And generous picspams plus funny commentary of R/T scenes from expatiates by expatiates. I’ll limit myself to the first ep to feature the ship - The Chrismukk-huh?, my fave ep, but nudge you towards the tags if you want more.

Posted courtesy of 'oh, February is nearly over.' Like Music Monday, Shipposting February is a nice idea, but not easy to carry off.

This entry was originally posted at https://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/371481.html.

tv pre-2018, links, themed links, shipping, the oc

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