2018's Three Sentence Ficathon fills

Dec 31, 2018 18:20

I've been dabbling in the Three Sentence Ficathon - currently on its second post. Here are my fills for completeness's sake.

Gotham, Bruce/Selina, balancing act (79 words, spoilers for s4)

The thirteenth-century dagger lies in Bruce's palm, ornate, yet made for combat, perfectly balanced. He can feel Selina staring at it, coveting. This dagger is one he could give to her - with Jeremiah now in Arkham, her blood-lust is allayed, besides, she's found her weapon in her whip, and she probably wants to sell the dagger, may even need to to pay off some debt - but Bruce knows Selina will enjoy taking the dagger from him more.

Waltzing Again, Gotham, Barbara/Jim, for the prompt ‘Regency AU’ (77 words)

“And here we are,” Barbara murmurs smugly, for his ears only, out on the ballroom floor “waltzing again.”

The Hon. James Gordon grits his teeth, not sure how it came to this. He should have given Miss Kean the cut direct for all that she has done, for all the promises of what she will do flashing in her eyes, but he could not, and as she says, here they are, waltzing again, and he is dizzy.

Of Breakneck Displays, Gotham, Bruce/Selina, Alfred, Tabitha, also for the prompt ‘Regency AU’ (116 words)

Miss Selina Kyle, sometime pickpocket, occasionally presentable young lady, only rolls her eyes a very little as Bruce Wayne, Duke of Gotham, shows her the four black horses that will pull his fine new racing carriage.

“Yes, yes, you say they fly like the wind, but are you going to show me how fast they go?” she asks, with just enough mocking doubt to goad the young man into a breakneck display that has all the ton talking.

The young duke’s guardian, Alfred Pennyworth, despairs, he really does, but the merest hint of complaint to Miss Kyle’s own duenna, Lady Tabitha Galavan, about the influence of her charge is sadly enough to unleash the tigress within.

Persuasion, Frederick/Anne, in the dark I called your name (70 words.)

He wakes too soon from his dream to the darkness of his cabin and the familiar creaking of the Asp. Anne is gone, he is at sea, and she is, no doubt, snug in her harbour at Kellynch Hall. Frederick feels a surge of anger but blames the interruption to his sleep, not her for ensuring that it is only in dreams that they will walk together side by side.

Person of Interest, Lionel Fusco + Sameen Shaw, unusual friendship (85 words)

The waitress notices them because they seat themselves in her section, the middle-aged guy whose entire appearance screams ‘cop’, drinking coffee and pretending to read a menu first. Then comes the tiny woman who looks more dangerous, somehow, than a New York detective, sliding in opposite him. She says a few words, he barks a dry laugh, while she doesn't respond - she's not a colleague, not an informer - and the waitress, who’s tips depend on her reading of people, thinks, 'Huh, they're friends.'

This entry was originally posted at https://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/366581.html.

uk, jane austen, fanfiction, batverse, links, gotham, tv in 2018, writing, tv pre-2018, miscellaneous links, austenfic, person of interest, books, batverse hetfic

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