OUAT season 1 disc 5

Oct 13, 2018 09:31

I rated these four episodes at about the same level, although I cared a smidge less for ‘The Stable Boy’, which is Regina’s backstory.

‘Hat Trick’ appears to move the story forward, but doesn’t really, beyond introducing Jefferson, his Hat and Wonderland to the show. I thought Sebastian Stan had crazy chemistry with Morrison, aided by the dynamic between their characters. Although we only saw Wonderland, the idea of other worlds beyond ours and the Enchanted Forest was dangled before us. In the EF, Jefferson’s ‘one last job’ for Regina went sidewise. Given that he’d been doing it for his adorable moppet, it satisfied thematically that his job was to rescue Regina’s father.

The fact that he remembered who he was in Storybrooke and corroborated Henry’s book ought to have nudged Emma into believing, but he did come over as desperate, and so, eay to discount.

Big moment: Emma claimed Mary Margaret was family. Gold was working with Regina on framing Mary Margaret…or was he?

Rewatching ‘The Stable Boy’ now knowing the truth about August and what Snow did to Regina made it more about the journey. What little Snow did? Get played like a motherless violin by Regina’s horrible, ambitious mother into breaking a promise. We got to see a pure-hearted, horse-mad young Regina, who didn’t like magic but loved The Stable Boy.

The young Snow is still uncannily like Ginnifer Godwin.

Emma trusted everyone - Gold, August and Sidney - and sort of used Henry to break into Regina’s place, which got her nowhere much. But Regina was guilty of premature gloating as Kathryn dramatically turned up alive. (DUN DUN DUN.)

The ‘One Week Ago’ and ‘Today’ device didn’t work given that it was interrupted by the Enchanted Forest timeline.

In ‘The Return’, many of Rumpelstiltskin/Gold’s motivations became clearer. We learned Baelfire was a deal-maker too. In Storybrooke, meanwhile, a cleared Mary Margaret had to deal with Storybrooke pretending it hadn’t believed in her guilt and what to do about David. Godwin killed their big encounter, naturally. Carlyle also had fun with the various sides of Rumpelstiltskin.

‘The Stranger’ had a very strong ending after an engaging storyline that paid some things off. August’s identity was finally revealed big time and we saw how Gepetto’s training and wish to protect Pinnochio, no matter what, may have warped him. Because when Gold and Emma called him out on being an untrustworthy liar, they were entirely accurate. But he was also sympathetic as the little kid who couldn’t protect baby Emma as her mother would have, as per the original plan.

So, here he was, belatedly trying to make up his big failing by getting Emma to believe. She was more focused on getting Henry away from ‘sociopath’ Regina (understandable, after she faked her friend’s death to frame an innocent woman as far as Emma could tell, oh, and used someone else to take the rap.) Emma got desperate enough to abtuct Henry (but whither Mary Margaret, her so-called family?)

After MM piously forgave Regina, Regina’s latest was to make moves on David. August finally and sweetly got to reunite with his unaware father. It was all very emotional.

There’s a commentary on The Stable Boy featuring a spoiler warning for the finale. That’s a first for me.

Also, I finally watched Wonder Woman on DVD last night, and it worked better for me than it did in the cinema - more scenes had an emotional impact and I picked up on nuances I hadn't the first time around. I think I was influenced by reading a lot that was written by people who loved the film more than I did. Certainly, I'm excited about where the director and her leading lady take the character next in the sequel.

This entry was originally posted at https://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/351945.html.

wonder woman, tv pre-2018, once upon a time, dvds, films

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