Gotham - writing fic, watching episodes (writing more fic)

Aug 03, 2018 21:11

Yesterday, I posted a drabble (Gotham, of course, Selina/Bruce, post 4.16) How Cliché. It was in response to a moment where I thought things could have gone differently in the episode.

(There’s more Gotham fic in the offing. Of course.)

Back on Tuesday, I watched Gotham 4.17 Mandatory Brunch Meeting

I felt cheated of the scene where Bruce and Alfred talked about Alfred covering for him with the cops.

Anyway, I was admiring Penguin’s new hairdo at the brunch with Jerome. I don’t care if Legion of Horribles is a comics thing that fanboys adore, (is it? Do I presume too much) I think it sounds daft. Jerome unfolded some of his plans - there were too many baddies, in a way, although that was the point. I felt we could at least have had some comeback between Penguin and Firefly for her failures in the past. But the point was that the former leader of the underworld wasn’t too happy at Jerome bossing everyone around. As what proceeded was fairly entertaining, if fatal and destructive, Penguin is wrong.

There was a lot of noticing the vital clue from Jim and Harvey, mainly Jim, out of the corners of their eyes.

Meanwhile (I have my doubts as to whether the timelines matched), the Riddler had decided to set up Gotham’s version of quiz night at the Narrows. We got full on showman!Riddler, along with jaded lady assistant, for The Wheel of Misfortune (as it included ‘A Bag of Rats’ for the loser, I’m sure it would be worth seeing what else was on the wheel). The shots of him from the back, against the spotlights were beautiful.

Enter Lee, with a new haircut, not impressed by the whole bag of rats thing.

I very much enjoyed watching Jerome, for so long the one calling all the shots, being beaten by a tiny blonde thing. My working theory is that Echo is an android and will not be impressed by Jeremiah even thinking of abandoning her. At least give her a backstory, because watching her take down all the guys was Buffy-flashback-level fun. (But hey, for two seconds, I thought she was Xander Wilde.)

I’d been spoiled about the existence of Jeremiah, and I’m all for them giving Cameron Monaghan more to do. Am I wrong in thinking that Jerome was channelling him when we first met him and he was pretending not to be a psychopath? (Also the writers are possibly trying to write themselves out of a Jerome isn’t the Joker hole.)

Jeremiah, also fond of a suit, seemed like the meek and reasonable one (also with a connection to the Wayne family - prodigy!), but he did plan to abduct and imprison his twin. Granted, that twin was set to kill him and Jeremiah was spot on about the uselessness of Arkham at keeping Jerome within its walls, or anyone, really.

What I really liked was the relative subtlety with which they treated Jeremiah not having been The Good One and Jerome not being The Psychopath. It wasn’t the twist that Jeremiah was always The Bad One, but it was a case of him having exaggerated to get out of the circus or away from Jerome, who admitted to thinking psycho thoughts, at least.

Also, duh, Jeremiah, if there was one person who’d get through your carefully designed maze (about which I made sarcastic noises about how they were probably recycling a tiny amount of set given that there’s only one bar in Gotham and they redress the station a lot too), it would be your twin brother. But I’m not going to be snide when the exit was labelled in gaudy neon. Hee.

I’m twitchy about Butch’s angst about being Solomon. He was the one who decided he was too much of a monster for Tabby and wanted to return to Butch form. She…didn’t say much about it. But his unimpressedness around Penguin was spot on, given everything. I am looking forward to the return of Dr Hugo Strange, though.

Harvey’s beserker run at Jarvis Tetch, rather than get hypnotised again, was hilarious.

Unlike Jim, I found it easy to call Scarecrow being Jerome’s means of painting Gotham crazy.

Lee’s challenge to Ed/Riddler was fabulous. I loved that she used her knowledge of him - don’t underestimate her smarts, Edwardo, that’s why you love her. I’m useless with riddles, myself, so I loved that she just got him to talk and for the answer to bubble up from his subconscious. AND THEN THE SECOND ONE. Brilliant. It put the Riddler in a bind, because he is Ed, really, however much he sees himself as a fractured psyche, and anyway, Riddler promised Ed he wouldn’t hurt Lee, so it was both that and not being willing to admit he was Ed and that he loved her that shut him up, and she knew it.

I was possibly less enamoured of the follow-up scene, although it obviously moved the plot forward. Dunno, slightly underwhelming kiss, and I am pro the ship in a twisted way (I keep wanting to remind Lee he killed Kirsten.) But she’s been on a journey, even if she hasn’t killed yet - which is an absurd line to draw, because the second time she shot Sofia, it was for it to be a killing shot.

Sorry, at some point I’ll let that one go.

I've just been to see Mission: Impossible - Fallout and it featured some of the best (live-action) action scenes I've seen in a while (fights, chases and stunts). I'd give the action four and a half stars out of five, and round the whole down to four. (Which is surely impressive for the sixth film in a series.)

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spy movies, batverse, films, gotham, tv in 2018, self-promoting links, writing

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