one of my violent comic book shows

May 01, 2018 07:40

Agents of SHIELD 5.9 Past Life

A pretty good way of capping the ‘in the future’ strand, with a few shocks, leading to sizeable doubts about whether they’ve left the time loop.

Kasius went entertainingly crazycakes in his grief over Sinara’s death. His plan to stop Daisy and the rest going back in time to destroy Earth so that his dad could swoop in (surely that’s involved in the whole destroying the earth scenario, and I’m with Coulson in there being reasonable doubt that it will be Daisy that does it) came from nowhere, but he was Mad With Grief. That black ink he gave the Inhuman trainer (dude, he’d just shot the Kree scientist, not the time to say honest things that would antagonise him ) and then himself was visually arresting and the cause for cool fight scenes, even if not that fresh a concept for this show.

Deke’s heroic sacrifice meant a little more than Enoc’s because the latter was more irritating (and a terrible anthropologist) but I expected more from the character. The moment with Eve surprised me, and the mini-rant with Daisy confused me a little more. It felt like what was between him and Daisy could have developed into a romance under other circs.

For once, I liked Flint almost unreservedly. Possibly because his powers were used in a cool way, and he whined less and chose to stay instead of agreeing to replace Hope for Mack (when Yo-Yo was consistently better at parenting him.) Also May’s little pep talk to him was aces!

I also liked the little moment between Coulson and Eve, fellow revenants. I very much liked Simmons both freeing the fellow server and being a key part in bringing Kasius down, although I still think Mack’s love for his weapon is dumb and he should look into stowing back up weapons on his person.

Who the seer was raises the most questions about what happens next. It took me a little while to realise how future!Yo-Yo had been treated and how she fit into thins. Apart from the visual, I don’t understand why they’d amputated her arms exactly. Sadism? Anyway, expect Yo-Yo now to angst over letting Coulson die.

Don’t expect Fitz to go back in time without Simmons!

Jemma seemed troubled by him slicing off the Kree henchmen’s heads (they’re not kidding on the violet scenes in this show, but then she came up with the rocks beat Kree idea, so…)

Daisy’s decision not to go made sense and would break the timeloop, except she’s part of the original team/family so ha, ha, nope on Phil leavin her behind. May’s line about Daisy never forgiving him for taking away her choice - would May have made the same call?

Don’t try killing Coulson or whatever until he and May really kiss, Yo-Yo or I will be exasperated. I also remembered Robbie during the Deke-Daisy hero interaction, and doesn’t Ghost Rider have some outstanding business with Phil? Well, then.

The final scene threw me, because I thought they’d have erased this past, but then there’s the suggestion that they haven’t. Maybe they have (they probably will save the day, because heroes.)

I am not even going to trouble my head with how this fits in with Infinity War, because we’re behind the US.

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marvel cinematic universe, agents of shield, tv

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