I have visited Gotham and the wizarding world lately

Apr 22, 2018 20:38

Over the past few weeks, I've posted the following:

This Is Why You Turn to Me Gotham. Teen. Selina, Bruce. Selina/Bruce if you squint. 813 words. (Speculation after seeing 2.14 'This Ball of Mud and Meanness'.)

I wrote this immediately after seeing 2.14, and hoped I’d be inspired to write more of Selina and Bruce’s adventures when he was living on the streets with her - canon left a gap there - but I never came up with anything. Story of my life. Anyway, it was one of the ficlets I thought could be posted with a little polish, even if I do regret that I couldn’t write more - the feedback chimes with that, which is fair.

Her Dream Job Harry Potter. PG. Ginny Weasley. 711 words.

Based on when I wrote most of the other fics in this ‘spring clean’, I first drafted this in spring 2016. I have a recollection that it was inspired by something halfamoonish about women at work, and it feels timely with UK companies publishing data about how they’re not paying women the same as men this month. I like Ginny, I like her love for Quidditch and I made a determined point of writing about that and her as a professional. Finding a title was a pain and the day before posting, I was thinking ‘Up Where She Belongs’ but I talked myself out of the pun.

There may be more spring clear out fic, although I’m busier than I was over Easter and I’m also writing new fanfiction like:
Tender Loving Care Harry Potter. Universal. Neville Longbottom/Hannah Abbott. 379 words.

I saw the prompt ‘forehead kiss’ at the start of the week, and got the idea because my mental Neville is tall (like Matthew Lewis, let’s be real) and my Hannah is short enough for it to work. During drafting, I gave up on it being a double drabble and it nearly doubled in length.

Would anyone be interested in beta reading a Gotham Bruce/Selina fic inspired by 4.01? It’s just over 1,000 words long and I feel the need for someone else to have a look at it.

This entry was originally posted at https://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/325457.html.

batverse, harry potter, gotham, self-promoting links, writing meta, writing

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