(no subject)

Apr 21, 2018 08:27

Ordeal By Innocence 3/3

Or flashbacks a-go-go. I’m feeling smug because I spotted the real motive when Rachel decided to divorce her husband and leave him poor, and I’d figured out from what Rachel had said to Gwenda that he was probably Jack’s father, although I was initially shocked at Kirsten being his mother. I kind of think the casting fell down there, having a young Kirsten, while the adult actress played Kirsten looking after the children and in the 50s. Obviously, up until this episode, I was suspecting Kirsten as much as anyone.

Rachel almost showed glimpses of being human - did she have breast cancer? - but paying off Hester’s husband, drugging her to abduct her and force her to have an abortion!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! She was horrible to nearly all the children (bar, I think, Mickey), but that was The Worst. In the middle of them, I thought some flashbacks were superfluous, but Jack being a witness to everything he was was ultimately important to the plot.

And Jack presumably hadn’t figured out his father had killed his adoptive mother - threatening a murderer in Christie is veeeery dangerous when he’s pals with bent cops with a grudge.

Mary showed a spine in not believing Phillip had killed herself. The timeline of the wedding day that wasn’t probably didn’t stack up. I rather think they overdid the four siblings standing together, although I’m glad they came for Calgary. I didn’t think that murdering Leo/forcing him to commit suicide was good for their future well-being, but then it turned out, via a skipping Kirsten (skipping!) that we’d had a Chekhov’s bunker all along.

Chancellor was very good as was Boyle, playing larger than life grotesques. But that was nasty and without the satisfying plot of And Then There Were None.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Ep 5.9 99

Road trip!!! Really good episode. Strong contender for the best team slo-mo walk with the team in tan on beige. Die Hard! Obvious that Holt was wavering about trying for commissioner, but the reveal of how he’d sabotaged the trip worked well. Rosa calling local cops ‘pigs’ struck me as really funny. And then the emotional hit of Jake doing it for Holt, and Jake, Rosa and the team learning what he’d done for them.

Also Amy reverting to her natural state (and Perralta’s goofy so in love smile at it). The mini scenes worked well. (Wasn’t the writer on Community?)

This entry was originally posted at https://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/324947.html.

brooklyn nine-nine, uk, books, tv in 2018

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