Four things

Apr 02, 2018 09:05

I spent the end of March posting a lot of recs at het_reccers before it came to an end. I may repost them at a more lesiurely pace at
het_reccers, which asks for slightly different information). What I’ve learned: to stop being precious about the content of my recs, which may have been why my reccing at the comms dropped off - when I'm reccing here, I'm much more chilled because it's my space; it’s easier to post a few recs in a go than masses because of fiddly HTML; I liked a lot of het fic from Yuletide 2015.

Also, if anyone who, like me, liked Taraji P. Henson as Joss Carter in Person of Interest, saw the trailer for ‘Proud Mary’ and thought ‘Ooh’, profit from my experience: it’s dull. You're really better off watching a couple of PoI eps. Kudos to whoever made the trailer, but it makes the film look way better than it is.

Thirdly, I posted a ficlet yesterday: Not Quite a Gulp (Sherlock, U. Molly Hooper (Molly/Sherlock). 125 words. Set during ‘The Final Problem’). I wrote it the weekend before last, when the prompt 'magpie' made me think of the scenario, let it rest, got the idea for the title and posted it. I hope to post a few more ficlets over the coming days as a sort of spring cleaning because since finishing the reccing, I’ve been looking over what I thought were snippets, polishing them and writing new bits and bobs.

Fourthly, I intend to play TV catch up today so perhaps I’ll be posting about the results of that.

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sherlock, crossposted, tv, links, lj stuff, films, comings-and-goings, writing, fanfiction meta, person of interest, meta, self-promoting links, writing meta

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