TV from er, last weekend and the start of the week

Mar 30, 2018 16:58

Agents of SHIELD - 5.4 Rewind

The ‘what happened to Fitz’ episode, inevitably. As soon as he asked to write to the footie fanzine, I called Huntingbird - and was 50% right. So, Lance and Bobby are remarried, together, but apart, which allows him to go around trash-talking her. Right. Unless is Palicki is busy on an awesome project, the show should feel free to bring Bobbi back to tell her side of the story and be more competent. I mean, the reunion was fun, I liked the southern American accent and the by-play about it, was amused by the slash-baiting, until I realised this episode tried to make Fitz Han Solo and Katniss Everdeen, which, no. (And haven’t the future Inhumans and Daisy been Katniss recently?) There were a few moments where I was reminded of what could be irritating about Hunter, too. And Hunter isn’t quite the character you’d pick to help Fitz deal with what went down last season. There was a bit of angsting and self-recrimination over his dark side and how the universe is conspiring against him and Jemma being together. Inevitably.

I rolled my eyes at Fitz being able to shoot amazingly now, even if it was lampshaded.

But I do commend the show for holding back on crediting the actor until the end.

And in another nice bringing back something from past, the seer was Robin, and they’d prepared for it when we first met Enoch - who is not the most superprofessional anthropologist, and how did he survive all those years without fridges for his nutrition and clean water to swim in?

Robin, lost in time, but able to be devastatingly lucid, was a little bit heartbreaking, especially as her mother was basically a caregiver. I really liked that they’d brought her back, seeing as she was so tied to Daisy, who is at the centre of Earth’s future, apparently, although the lady officer seeing her as A Weapon (not a child with a gift to be respected) prepared us for the cold shooting of the two underlings. It wasn’t that they were untrustworthy, it was that they weren’t up to scratch - he shouldn’t have let that letter out.

The return of the quinjet felt inevitable, and although I was cheated of Fitz building a time machine, I liked his attempt to pack away weapons, and I loved Enoch’s line about murderers, monsters and mercenaries, which I’ve probably mangled.

So! We’re up to scratch! And humanity is facing an extinction level threat!?

E4 is trumpeting that it’s the new home of Gotham. I did not squee, although I have been wondering what happened to wee Bruce and wee Selina, but did a little research, and they’re not showing season 3 (which Netflix had in the UK, which is, by definition, NOT free to air) so I won’t know what happened next with Fish and the Parliament of Owls. I mean, I didn’t care enough to buy a DVD, and I’ll just have to read reviews, bemoaning the lack of TWoP recaps. So, it’s a qualified ‘yay’!?

Electric Dreams - Safe and Sound

It looked like a generational conflict between Maura Tierney’s non-conformist radical parent and her teen daughter, who hated standing out at her new school in her hippy clothes. Except they were in a futuristic USA, having come to a city that had sold its soul to corporate technology for safety, encouraged by propaganda from a ‘bubble’ of dissenters. I am going to try not to talk about the politics of it (lots that resonated). But taking an innocent girl of that age, dumping her in a new culture you reject and expecting it to be fine when you’re spitting imprecations all the time instead of talking to her? Yeah.

Tierney was good as the ranting and loving, well-meaning failboat mom, while Alessandra Basso did vulnerable beautifully. Watching her get played by kindness, even as the society kind of made an open secret of its mind-control became increasingly horrifying. (I was amused that the precognitive profiling went for a white middle-aged guy.)

I mean, the sexual coercion was horrifying too, but grooming Foster into a spy, a paranoiac who mistrusted her mother - and her own perceptions - and who worried about having inherited her father’s mental ill-health was the worst. I was relieved that they ruled out that she was insane and went for Ethan the voice being a real person - although I didn’t think we needed anything beyond her nicely dragging her off the podium.

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marvel cinematic universe, agents of shield, tv, batverse, gotham

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