Agents of SHIELD is back

Mar 14, 2018 07:15

5.1 Orientation

Bemusing opening until we saw the bald guy was an alien, and then I called that we were going to see the team being taken from the takers’ POV. Most of the team found themselves in space thanks to this season’s monolith, separated on some ship with confusing humans, unseen monsters, StarLord referencing masks. Mack with his grumpiness was the funniest.

I'm delighted that Natalia Cordova-Buckley, who plays Yo-Yo, is in the main credits.

The team slowly got back together, but realised Fitz wasn’t with them, and a few of them tried to commiserate with Simmons, who said she was Totally Fine with being separated from him. Again. It's an inversion of the time she was on another planet. An injured May had no good reason not to fight the good-looking guy giving off Peter Quill vibes. Why was she getting tortured the most? Still, respect, as ever, for how she handled her fights whilst injured.

About time we got some Kree action on the show (but all the talk of blues has made me think of Farscape, see DW icon). As to time - I’m not sure if I’d been spoiled or had figured it out from Virgil’s wittering that they were in the future.

Anyway, Mack and Yo-Yo got tortured, there was a suggestion that the show might rip off Thor: Ragnarok’s whole planet of combat idea. I liked the look of the trawler May and Simmons were in. The actor playing Deke started reminding me of Bradley Cooper. Then there was a Latina(?) Helena Bonham-Carter lookalilke in Tess. Okay, maybe that was the hair.

Fitz’s post card was a little heartbreaking - he would be the most likely to figure out time travel - and Jemma never got to see it and it didn’t get discussed by the others much.

May and Simmons did a little recceing, but of course that wasn’t going to override Jemma’s medical instincts. Enter the Kree Magneto lady. I mean, I suppose we were meant to think of Xondu’s weapon, but I thought of Magneto. Nice use of the asymmetric zip and pan up.

I was ‘eh’ on the big bad Kree (Kasius) until they got into the multi-layered convo where Jemma was smart, but unable to hide her humanity and got pressganged into being a servitor, while the others discovered what nature of dystopian future they were in. One where Mack got to be judgy about their fellow humans’ lack of humanity. And then, Daisy found out it was all her fault, apparently. Also Deke is a hacker as well as a scammer. (Love interest number whatever? But he also has UST with Tess.)

The stinger left a bad taste - I know we saw male servitors too, but eh.

I like the new title cards. I like things in spaaaaace, aliens and time-y wime-y stuff although I’m going to whine about wanting to see Fitz soon (although I imagine he’ll be so angsty, I’ll get sick of him). Lots of ideas - few of them fresh if you’ve ever seen anything in this genre before - some interesting nonetheless, some less so.

I hope they remember Coulson and Daisy’s Kree blood. I don’t know if the Inhuman stuff will count beyond those Daisy and Yo-Yo having powers. I also wonder if anyone’s offspring will turn up on the Lightship. I would imagine they will use the Future!Framework as a training ground for the uprising, but isn’t it going to be Fitz and the time machine he should be working on that will help save the day? I can’t see how they can patch up what’s left of Earth easily. And where do the ‘people’ who helped shift them fit in? (Do not think about Asgard, even if Jemma referenced Thor, or anyone else stopping Quake from destroying Earth becase that's their job, or the head will hurt like contemplating X-men timeline makes it hurt).

5.2 A Life Spent

I had 24ish hours to ponder the temporal ramifications of the previous ep’s revelations…So, I didn’t buy Deke’s multiverse patronising.

Aww, Kasius is only upper middle class, not a proper part of the elite. And it’s hard on top, with all the fancy fruit and servitors and pressure to impress, when everyone who matters thinks you’re in charge of a dump in the middle of nowhere. AoS does class warfare! Emphasised by the realisation that humans are basically indentured servants.

I was confused - there were humans (Inhumans?) who weren’t servitors, who may have been ambassadors as Abby claimed, and then there were human-looking aliens.

Coulson and May shared a moment. It was a mere hand on a shoulder, but opening up about feelings about their pickle.

Jemma’s superpower is compassion (Henstridge sold the space between the stars speech beautifully). Kasius’s soft spot for her and Sinara’s enabling is fairly twisted, but then they went all Hunger Games, while not!Kitty Pride found a way to survive that ought to leave her traumatised. It certainly traumatised Simmons.

I wished Deke and Daisy had found a third way of getting her to Simmons that didn’t take as much time, but she was too wound up about being called Quake, Destroyer of Worlds (presume it’s a comics label) to think through her plan. She’d improvise! It went about as well as could be expected, and Deke turned on her to get an in, although surely Kasius is not so dim that he won’t return to the question of how she got there.

I thought the voice was going to turn out to be a recording of Fitz, but there were the folks that helped transport them to the future and it may be neat that the guy they turned on and set up is on the surface. (And with that and the Inhumans, they did address some of my questions after the first episode.) Tess’s moral compass needs a little work, but I think Yo-Yo is fine with sacrificing the henchman to save the others.

And they replayed that scene with Coulson from the end of the previous season, right?

Now I am caught up on stuff, bar Electic Dreams.

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marvel cinematic universe, agents of shield, tv

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