Recent writing

Dec 30, 2017 09:09

I’ve been writing very self-indulgent stuff of late, most of which is probably never going to get posted. I was planning to post an edited WIP meme, just to record that some of those fics had been started, to prove that I’d been writing more than I’d posted and perhaps in the hope of it encouraging me to continue to the point where I’d post one of them. I hope to post more than one of them eventually.

Anyway, what happened instead is that this week a few prompts got me writing ficlets:

All dessed up and nowhere to go Christmas-set original micro fiction. (308 words.) The POV and tone came to me when I saw the prompt and the ending as I wrote it. No, it’s not fanfic, but it feels apt at the close of the year Wonder Woman got her movie.

autumnia pointed me to the three sentence ficathon, which I’d missed out on, and two prompts made me think of Layla and Warren.

Call Me Sky High. Universal. Layla/Warren. (106 words.) Written for the prompt ‘Any, any, mouthful of names you used to breathe on me’.

Where Beauty Wears a Mask Sky High. Universal. Warren/Layla. (90 words.) Written for the prompt ‘Any, any, where beauty wears a mask’. Can be read as a companion piece to ‘Call Me’.

I hope to do my annual writing meme in the next couple of days.

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crossposted, links, comings-and-goings, self-promoting links, writing meta, writing

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