Original Christmas-set fic

Dec 25, 2017 08:21

Yes, yes, I know, terrible timing with Yuletide.

All dessed up and nowhere to go
Christmas-set original micro fiction. (308 words.)
If this were on AO3, it might feature the tags - superheroine, sisters, second-person POV, gen, het and be rated for General Audiences.
Written for the prompt ‘Any, any, all dressed up and nowhere to go.’ at comment-fic

All dressed up and nowhere to go

This is the worst part of being the younger sister of a superheroine, okay?

(This is not the worst part. The worst part is knowing that it's your sister who is heading towards that tornado, fighting that maniac...)

But you were going to go to a Christmas party and sing along to Mariah together tonight. You are wearing the cutest berry red dress and heels that you can just about dance in. You have just finished putting on a party face. And your sister stands you up for the kind of reason you can't complain about.

(Really. It's her protégé, who can make things blow up with their hands, on their quest to hunt down a man who may or may not have been involved in killing their parents. You said, 'Fine, of course. Check in regularly. I love you.')

You can't waltz into the party because you were meant to be your sister's plus one, but you cast a glance at yourself in the mirror. You look amazing, except for the downward tilt to your lips and the phone in your hand.

(Stupid phone. Stupid heroic big sis with her stupid superspeed and ability to fly. She always had a protective streak a mile wide.)

And then you remember another face. His face when you told him you had plans with your sister tonight. How you'd felt compelled to blather that you hadn't spent much time with her lately and you never felt Christmassy until you'd belted out 'you-hoo-hoo, baby' along with her. Because he has such a cute face and you've been wanting him to ask you something like this for weeks, it's just that his timing wasn't great. So you finished your rambling explanation with 'Rain check?' and he smiled.

You smile now, and call him. "Hi, it's me. My plans have changed," you start.


Merry Christmas!

This entry was originally posted at https://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/309548.html.

heroines, original micro fiction, writing

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