of elephants in rooms, but not on dance floors

Dec 10, 2017 08:56

Lies, Love and Records episode 4 - well, that was a quiet, peaceful episode, NOT. I wonder if we’ll end with Kate in a foetal ball given that she had another panic attack mid episode. I feel a bit sorry for Rick, whom she is using. As we hadn’t met his girlfriend before, no wonder we didn’t suspect her of being behind the pictures.

TV Life lesson: it’s easier to give an official warning to a subordinate when you haven’t decked them one.

The fake wedding sting failed because it happened two thirds of the way through the series, and we’ve probably not seen the last of Dominika’s noticing Lucy.

Strictly semis

Tess in a tight red metallic frock, Claudia in black, Darcey in something mostly sheer - easy win for Shirley in a flattering green metallic gown. I was obsessed in a bad way with the fringe on Claudia’s outfit until the contestants came out.

I loved Katya’s choreography for Joe’s foxtrot American Smooth. He gave an enjoyable performance, although I thought one or two moves didn’t quite work.

The slot of having been in the bottom two for two weeks running for Alexandra, and the videos of supporters started losing its shine (although Alexandra, Gemma and Debbie seem to have needed the lift of cute kids praising them). For me, the top of her dress let it down. I liked their VW more in hold and thought the opening business lasted too long for me to get into it, although she mostly danced it well.

I felt sorry for Mollie when I heard she was getting the samba in the semis. And…yeah. Not graceful, especially the rolls. (Funny to see Shirley getting possessed by Bruno.)

Silver was more striking on Gemma than gold was on Mollie. Equally sorry for her for getting the rumba at this point, when she’s so tall. It wasn’t fluid enough for me, and it looked a little too cautious. I think the fact they focused on her legs in a week when she had half the time told for her arms. The second half looked better, probably because of the choreography.

I loved Debbie’s outfit (and curls) for the jive. She deserved the glory slot. As soon as she joined Giovanni, I thought the opening was brilliant, but then they lost sync side by side, so it was a ‘nearly great’ for me. But she sold it.

No ties at this point and a win for…Katya’s choreography.

Joe’s Argentinian Tango was nearly excellent. He’d just done something brilliant in the first lift, and there was a stumble and one or two other bits that weren’t quite right. But Katya’s choreography was again noteworthy, the modern twist worked and she made the most of the partnership having a lady pro while giving him plenty to do.

We didn’t get as much time to ponder the outfits, but red was the right colour for the salsa and I liked that Alexandra’s strap over her tattoo was translucent. As for the dance: Alexandra the Fierce is back, and it is the best version of her. I could see where Craig was going - the audience was automatically booing him…for listing positives, unadorned, but still, listen to the words, not the tone. Yay for her, though, to get the second 40 of the series. Deserved? I mean that was the least sticky getting out of lifts in the samba we’ve seen all series and the judges weren’t subtle about who they wanted through with the scoring.

I rolled my eyes at even the judges feeding the showmance gubbins. Mollie looked winsome in her pretty dress. I giggled a little because they’re too young to remember how overused ‘Arms of an Angel’ was when I was, like, their age. I spotted the mistake, but I thought it was, overall, a nice dance to show how far she’s come (and a hint she should go no further), and it was right that she got her top score so far.

The judges reminded us that Gemma’s best is better than Mollie’s, and that her ballroom is better than her Latin. I thought she maintained the characterisation of the tango and arrogance throughout, and didn’t make a whoopsie. Aljiaz went a bit overboard with the head snaps. Good make-up, maybe it deserved a 9 from someone?

Debbie’s dress was gorgeous. ‘Lovely’ is the word and they were so smiley. But I’m with Craig, why did Giovanni go out of hold for so very, very long?

So, a better second half, which favours nearly everyone for the dance-off, with Mollie and Gemma redeeming themselves a little, Katya serving her partner better with her choreography than Giovanni, and Alexandra adding four more tens to her count. Will Joe and Debbie’s tie make a difference? Will Aljiaz’s charm and the supposed Mollie/AJ garner votes? Will Alex make it through, as she fully deserves?

I voted once for Joe (well, Katya’s choreography), twice for Debbeh, and thrice for Alexandra.

This entry was originally posted at https://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/306761.html.

uk, tv, strictly come dancing

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