Writing and Strictly

Nov 05, 2017 16:12

On Friday, I posted a fic: Some Goodnight Kisses (Harry Potter, Ron/Hermione ER, 2,634 words!, teen). The prompt is from the first of August, and I think I started writing it then. Even the first draft was longer than my usual fics. It got tweaked in various edits and
king_touchy helpfully made me realise I needed to do more with the ending. It’s the first time I’ve focused so much on Ron/Hermione as a writer, even though they’re an OTP. Mainly, I am chuffed to have written something of this length, even though that meant it took longer to edit and to post.

Strictly: halfway point

Outfits: of the judges, Bruno’s shiny, crease-y jacket was the worst. Tess, Claudia and Darcey went for black outfits that mostly worked, but Shirley won by default by being in a colour. The poppies are upon us (I am almost surprised they let audience members take their seats without them) as they have been for a couple of days.

Alexandra starting off seemed odd, until we were reminded it was the cha-cha (of doom). I would have liked to hear the full rendition of Alexandra singing from the VT. Anyway, this was a sizzling, sophisticated take on the cha-cha that suited her down to a T. As ever, couldn’t take my eyes off her (and the dress was great) despite Gorka also being on the dance floor, which baffles me not a little. I thought it was really good and voted for them, but I was relieved the judges thought so too. At this point, I thought the producers had set the bar too high for the rest of the night by putting Alexandra first, even though I’ve not loved the whole opening with duff dances orders past, but I thought they were over-correcting.

And then, putting Mollie and AJ in the slot o’doom seemed harsh, especially as it was going to be a redemptive ballroom, because she’s better in hold than in Latin. Although I could see it was meant to be a bookmark of spins, didn’t her feet lift off the floor in the first one? It was a pretty good foxtrot with a few ‘eh’ bits, although I still can’t get excited about them, and AJ had one reassuring line that he parroted.

Joe’s Charleston was easily my favourite routine of his. There was something utterly charming about it; I agree with Bruno’s analysis of why it worked. I didn’t see much wrong with the dancing and felt pulled in in a way I haven’t been with them for a while if ever.

Gemma’s salsa was decent, with flashes of could be good about it. I liked the splits in the leap (because I am a pleb, I never thought of pointy feet). I liked her costume. Aljiaz continues to have his chirpiest season ever.

I liked Aston’s Viennese Waltz and thought they nearly got away with the concept. I did think there was too much of a difference between the parts in hold and outside. That four was harsh, even if Craig genuinely thought Aston was worse than Gemma and worse than Mollie. (Tess fresh from telling Craig off was one of her highlights of the season.)

And then Ruth and Anton’s paso…which was hysterical. When you unpick it, there was a lot of messing abaht, a lot of flashy bits (Anton is playing a blinder with probably the weakest dancer left). And as if the routine needed it…THAT accidental ending. At least Darcey and Shirley tried to address Ruth’s dancing because she is trying, but Anton has probably made the wisest call in terms of the direction he’s taken. And then we had a pile-on in the Clauditorium which was about right.

I was worried this would all throw Debbie. Silly me. In the VT (or Debbie/Giovanni fodder), she seemed properly excited about the helicopter ride. Their tango made me forget I loathe the song. Now, to my eyes, she didn’t look entirely in balance and Giovanni looked stronger, although otherwise I thought it was very good, so I was a little surprised by the response, but Craig has gone wild for them before, and how else do you follow Shirley’s coronation? Debbie’s EYES at Craig were the best. Who knew she could do anime eyes? Giovanni was predictably overwrought, but the critiques were useful for me as a viewer. Her talking about getting a 40 in the VT did not seem so audacious.

Happy birthday, Debbie. All the women wish they could be that flexible while wearing a backless gown regardless of their age.

Poor Jonnie had to follow that. His salsa was better than the cha-cha, and what he was given to do, he did well, but that was shirtlessness, presenting Oti and doing show-off lifts. The dancing bits weren’t quite so good, but he is lovely and enthusiastic.

I thought the jive would be good for Susan, and lo and behold it was. Her timing was stupendous.

It had been a bit of a surprise that Davood got the glory slot, but he was doing a proper Hollywood American Smooth and it was a Breakthrough Moment, prepped by a VT where Nadiya was concentrating on his footwork. Nadiya probably had the prettiest dress of the night. Davood deserved a proper ‘well done’ for the quality of the whole dance, the showman accenting (on a night when Aston got a four!).

And to think I thought they’d got the running order wrong. Now, Ruth was the weakest dancer again, but in entertainment value, that paso was outstanding. Aston was undermarked and so should be saved by outraged fans, although I voted for Gemma of those in the bottom half because I like them and think that she still has potential. Otherwise, most people improved or had a good night: Jonnie is a trier and likeable, and was certainly better than last week; Susan was properly good as she hasn’t been for a fortnight, although that was a case of the jive suiting her; Mollie was fine, one mistake aside, and she doesn’t deserve to be in the bottom two due to her dancing, but may be in danger again regardless; Davood improved massively; Joe and Alexandra were scintillating (I voted for Alexandra because that was my very favourite good routine) and Debbie got full marks (I’m not sure if all the good stuff fully translated to those not in the know, because Kimberley Walsh stood up alone). What that means for who is in the bottom two, I don’t know, but seven couples having a positive night and a few couples having an epic night, including Ruth and Anton, makes it VERY INTERESTING.

This entry was originally posted at https://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/301256.html.

uk, tv, links, strictly come dancing, writing, harry potter, books, self-promoting links, writing meta

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