Strictly Week 4 results
From the brain of some mad genius a mini ballet of sorts from the pros that involved That Rope, hooded medieval types, Anton as a Roman emperor, many pros as what I wanted to be vampires, three prisoners who escaped to the good place of whites and blues? It was rather brilliant in an OTT way.
Enter Tess in a giant red ruffle, Claudia in a snazzy black and white striped dress which beat Shirley’s assymetric pink gown and Darcey trying on a different variant of trouser suit. I was unconvinced by Craig’s buttonhole.
Even I picked up on the ‘it’s bad luck for the “bride” to see the “groom”’ foreshadowing of the recap of the previous ep.
I was glad, after everything, that Alexandra was called safe in the first half. Simon, Karen and everyone outside of Liverpool was shocked Simon was kept safe. Was Davood a tie? Anyway, a mild shock there.
Gorgeous wafting from Dianne and Pasha to Gregory Porter’s melodiousness, then some extreme lifting for the instrumental break, and back they came to twirl beautifully. A nice balance of letting the song breathe and the dancers go for it.
‘Dance debrief’ and Shirley reeled off jive footwork terms, Darcey over-compensated, I spent all of Craig’s bit about Charlotte’s shoulders looking at Brendan’s, tbh, and I don’t even remember who Bruno was talking about.
Quite big reactions from the tense remaining couples. As soon as Brian was called safe, we were going to have dance-off newbies. As soon as Charlotte was confirmed in the bottom, all Davood had to do was not mess up/projectile vomit (yes, I’m sure he was delighted to do it again.) As Craig noted, they tidied up the lift, and Charlotte was let go.
I haven't seen any ITT this week.
NCIS 4.18 Red pt 1
This show does love a car stunt.
Cue some baiting of Deeks, and it eventually turned out that Callen and Sam were just backing Kensi up, not instigators.
A brief mo of ‘huh’ arose as they were briefed on another killing to the one we'd seen, then I gave Nell’s ponytail length due attention. In the first of many important phone calls, Hetty was informed of the guy we saw killed, and the field agents got split up.
Kensi and Deeks stayed in LA for another reminder Deeks is still an LAPD detective.
Callen and Hanna travelled to Idaho to make obvious Moscow jokes, and meet Team Red. Grainger turned up, so I rejected the idea that they were setting up a new team for a new show, especially as G and Paris were having a slightly forced connection.
I care more that Nell walked in on Eric having fallen asleep in his chair because he’d done extra work, and about The Box and the high-wire act Deeks and Kensi are pulling off. I honestly wasn’t following the case - I don’t think five new characters, Grainger and a multi-faceted investigation helped with that. Perhaps if I'd been less knackered... Anyway, Team Red was a man down (I have watched enough TV to worry about the unarmed driver being left alone), so Hetty brought in Roy (who is seven foot tall and thus should have more scenes with Hetty a la Nate, just because). Allegedly, he and Paris were partners until he got shot in mysterious circumstances that made her want to shoot things (by the end of the episode, she was sent out of the same city as Kensi). I'd assumed they were a divorced couple from their body language. Her talking about it with Callen worked much better than the info dump between Hetty and Roy.
Show? I don’t think I care about Team Red, apart from the sassy Australian (why is a sassy Australian working for a US federal agency?) Maybe Scott Grimes’s character could sing in the next part instead of dropping some racial profiling?
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