this episode featured dogs other than Monty

Jul 21, 2017 07:29

NCIS: LA 4.5 Out of the Past

I thought we were due a Sam-centric episode (we’re also due a Callen one) because it was unlikely to be All Kensi All The Time, although I would be okay with that. Here he was pensive a fair bit as an old colleague sent him a message, so Sam came away from his family life and found him dead. There was also a lot of pensiveness as it turned out the old colleague had killed himself because he’d found out something very dangerous - something that will lead to a part 2, or even a long run of episodes to resolve. Oh, and there was a black Russian sleeper agent - never underestimate the deviousness of Cold War spy programmes on TV shows - to make Sam look pensive about double lives, whilst also being honourable, a good driver and snickering at Callen and his childhood spy ring. (Which became a plot point! Well done.)

Eric got out of ops and into the field! Mainly to grumble about Sam’s old colleague not using computers.

Deeks and Kensi got the ridiculous job of interacting with a poodle - a good visual in the opening section - cue flirting and bickering as per usual. He owes her a hairbrush, and wasn’t the other dog owner the evil college dean from Community?

Much Eric/Nell awkwardness. Her attempt to let him know surreptitiously that there had been no sex having despite her bed hair and wearing yesterday’s rocking outfit. was both adorkable and illogical. I am at the ‘oh, fine, show’ point with them.

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tv, ncis: la

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