Miscellaneous links

Apr 09, 2017 16:10

I said a little while ago that I was going to post a linkspam. Well, here goes in reverse chronological order. I've been holding on to these links for ages, and most of them come via my reading page.

Shakespeare’s plays in one gif (it is surely wrong that my reaction is ‘Hmm, I should look up The Merry Wives of Windsor’).

Introversion illustrated by illustrations - so much ‘yes, this!’

Unseasonal, but The crew of DS9 and some others perform ‘Wonderful Deep Space Nine’. (It is, indeed, wonderful)

Five Tropes Fanfic Readers Love (And One They Hate)
An analysis of a Fansplaining survey of over 7,000 fans of tropes they like. (I do not understand the lack of love for space AUs, myself.)

Honest movie trailers - I'm linking to the one for Jupiter Ascending but I've sampled many and they've all made me cackle.

What if Wes Anderson directed the X-Men?

muccamukk writes some really thought-provoking meta about Lord of the Rings’s Denethor (book version) here.

This entry was originally posted at http://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/276157.html.

crossposted, tv, links, x-men, films, st: ds9, comings-and-goings, jupiter ascending, crossover recs, star trek, miscellaneous links, shakespeare, books, meta, lotr

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