2016 ficwriting round-up

Jan 05, 2017 18:13

January 2016
I appreciate your appreciation. PG. Downton Abbey (1,185 words.) Daisy Mason/Andy Parker (Mr Mason/Mrs Patmore implied). Summary: Daisy makes Andy take the last steps more quickly than he expected. (Spoilers for the last Christmas special.)

This and Downton feel like a long time ago. Written in immediate response to the final ever episode, the length is not typical for me or a sign of what’s to come, but it’s a PG piece of het, even if it wasn’t for a pairing that I loved. I just wrote weird marginal stuff about Downton.

Night Sky. Universal. Marvel Cinematic Universe (150 words). Darcy/Steve, background Jane/Thor, Darcy-Jane friendship. Summary: Written for the prompt MCU, Steve Rogers/Darcy Lewis, night sky at comment-fic.

This is the first of many ficlets inspired by prompts at comment_fic, which was a big spur for me to write fic, particularly during spring and summer. Filling a comment form didn’t feel as daunting as reaching for paper or opening up a new document, and a lot of these fics started off with me typing away in the box, then cutting and pasting it to Word to edit.

This is my first Darcy/Steve fic and a little melancholy.

March 2016
Fancy Hotel. PG. Person of Interest/The Night Manager (TV) (405 words). Zoe Morgan/John Reese, Jonathan Pine. Summary: Old habits might reassert themselves, but they’re off the clock. Written for the prompt ‘Person of Interest, Zoe Morgan/John Reese, fancy hotel’ at comment_fic.

The crossover idea was all mine - The Night Manager was huge right then and was my key to writing about Zoe and Reese, whom I love and clearly wanted to see in that world, but I hadn’t seen Person of Interest since 2015, and only so far as 3.8. You don’t have to know TNM to enjoy it, I think. That’s the only crossover fic I wrote.

March/April 2016
Bear, Woken. Universal. Harry Potter (204 words) Minerva McGonagall. Summary: She is a mother bear protecting her cubs. Written for a prompt at 3sentencefic.

I love three sentence fic challenges. They’re ‘do-able’. (I think this was posted in March/April because I started posting at the end of March and finished in April, because it’s such a faff.)

Perspective. Teen , Agents of SHIELD, (164 words) Jemma Simmons. Summary: Keep on keeping on. Written for the prompt ‘any, any female character, keep on keeping on’ at 3sentencefic. Spoilers for 3.05.

This was a more direct response to canon and is about Jemma dealing with what happened to her at the start of season 3.

June 2016
Codename: SNAPDRAGON, PG, Spy (2015), (449 words) Susan Cooper/Rick Ford Summary: Every time she's in deep cover she always receives a bouquet of SNAPDRAGON - Deception; Gracious Lady

This has had a lot of reaction kudos-wise, which shows the love for this ridiculous, wonderful pairing. It’s also ridiculous that I got away with such an unblue fic given the canon.

July 2016
Just a thought U, Agents of SHIELD. (162 words.) Bobbi Morse, Leo Fitz and Lance Hunter (Bobbi Morse/Lance Hunter) Summary: Don't touch the red button! Set in early season 3.

I had a huge soft spot for Fitz and Bobbi, science buddies. Again, I responded to an open-ended prompt with an AoS fill. Here it’s just writing out the set-up for a punchline (although I added a different closing line.)

Paterfamilias U, Scorpion, (233 words) Cabe Gallo & ensemble. Summary: Cabe Gallo has three sons, two daughters and one grandson who he isn’t related to and never officially adopted. Future fic.

Scorpion was my big discovery of 2016, so I really wanted to write about it, although the stumbling block for me is that I haven’t seen so many episodes. I think I found a space here to burble on about the team as family.

It’s All About the Chemistry, PG, Sky High, (618 words) Warren Peace, Layla Williams, Boomer, Medulla (Layla/Warren, canonical relationships). Summary: Layla Williams doesn’t attend her school reunion with Will or Larry.

See how this is over the 500 mark!? Like ‘Paterfamilias’ it was drafted earlier in the year, but because I was doing more writing and gaining confidence about posting, which is another thing comment-fic encouraged in me, I went back to this fic and did a little polish. I adore Sky High, so I’m glad I posted something in the fandom last year.

A Long Time Coming U, Marvel Cinematic Universe RPF, (613 words). OCs and A-listers. Summary: Welcome to the red carpet for the premiere of the long-awaited Black Widow movie! Future fic.

The first time I posted RPF and it’s basically another way of whining about the lack of a Black Widow movie.

August 2016
What your mama can make you, U, Nashville. (237 words.) Juliette Barnes, Cadence Barkley, Avery Barkley, (background Juliette/Avery). Summary: Juliette writes a song for Cadence.
Another one where I felt a bit wriggly about canon, because I hadn’t seen the fourth season.

Epicinium Teen, Smallville Lois, Chloe, Clark, Gabe, Lana. (2,682 words). Summary: The aftermath of the eighteenth birthday party that Lois and Chloe don’t remember. Coda for 4.8 ‘Spell’.

The longest fic I posted in 2016 and I didn’t even write the bulk of it that year. Again, a direct response to canon.

September 2016
The Sketch Mature, Harry Potter. Rolf Scamander/Luna Lovegood. (917 words). Summary: Rolf is looking through the sketches his colleague Luna has been drawing and finds something very unprofessional.

First mature rated fic in a long while. I did some research looking up my copy of ‘Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them’, I’ll have you know.

Finding Teen, Harry Potter. Hannah/Neville (and various other pairings.) (410 words.) Summary: Hannah has to find Neville.

In a similar vein (a love potion made them do it, and it features Luna/Dean to prove how I don’t have a Luna OTP).

And then, despite my good advice to myself at the start of the year, I failed to back up my work and lost a lot of the drafts I was working on over spring and summer. I stuffed the few hard copies in a plastic file…and I haven’t done anything with them. The whole experience stopped my fic writing momentum - I was scrabbling to restore other things that I’d lost because of my idiocy in what free time I had.

December 2016
Lost in You, PG, Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, Melinda May/Phil Coulson. (111 words.) Written for the prompt Phil Coulson/Melinda May, lost in you at the threesentenceficathon.

This was about the first time I wrote any fic afterwards, I think. I know it’s not much, but for me it was a lot more than it seemed.

So that’s two fics and 13 ficlets - for me anything of 1,000 words or more is a fic, which is a higher total than last year, but I’m aware that it could have been even higher. There’s also more variety in ratings than usual. Some of it was a direct reaction to canon (three ficlets about different characters in Agents of SHIELD!?) and quite immediate, some of it was set in old, familiar fandoms (Harry Potter, Sky High and even Smallville) and for some fics, I was very aware that I didn't know the canon in and out.

This entry was originally posted at http://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/265269.html.

tv, scorpion, links, films, writing, sky high, harry potter, list of my fanfiction, downton abbey, self-promoting links, writing meta, spy movies, smallville, themed links, comings-and-goings, marvel cinematic universe, agents of shield, nashville, fanfiction meta, person of interest, books

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