Poldark 1.7

Oct 18, 2016 08:04

More cause for Dwarf/mining jokes as Ross faced the fact he had two weeks of coal to keep going a copper mine that was producing more tin than anything else. So, he had to depend on the smugglers to take him on a trip to the Scilly Isles (not shown as sunny in Ye Olden Times, and thus unlikely to enjoy a Poikdark Tourist Bounce) to find Mark Daniel (remember how he killed his wife after the love triangle with Dwight? A reminder of how far Dwight’s come, for me, at any rate) in the hope he could offer more clues to the location of the copper he saw. And we and Dwight found out that the authorities had been playing possum to lure the smugglers out.

I liked that they made the excise officer kind of sympathetic in that he was just doing his duty and loved his son. (I note that Ross still hasn’t interacted with his son.) The redcoats, especially the Scottish moustache, got to be the baddies. And of course Charlie the informer, which finally made that whole plot line a bit more interesting. Yay!Rosina for being kind to her not quite stepdaughters.

Elizabeth was pathetic (but Great-Aunt Portent was really inconsistent around her, even if you decide that her main motivation was winding Elizabeth up, maybe it’s dementia) and manipulated by George and his sidekick, aided by Ross’s absence and Prudie’s lie about the letter.

On the other hand, Demelza had a better handle on what was going on, both in terms of the smuggling (of which she didn’t approve, but she got on with the results of their involvement in it) and the soldiers’ threat (I loved her for escaping the soldier and general sassiness). Her take on Dwight/Caroline was eminently predictable, and I liked that it wasn’t a question of Caroline’s gumption and being able to live off much less so much as whether she could be a doctor’s wife. More specifically a doctor with an overdeveloped sense of honour and a poor sense of self-preservation (turning his back on the informer, staying right next to the bonfire he’d lit to warn the smugglers the nearby soldiers were looking out for...). I thought Caroline’s hopes for how her uncle would react to the elopement were optimistic, and I didn’t want her and Dwight to hoik off to Bath, so I can live with what’s happened, even if Caroline is feeling rejected and both their little hearts are broken. I’m sure they’ll get over it eventually.

Shame she and Demelza didn’t have a longer onscreen conversation. But then, this episode was guilty of bittiness at times, even if it did get very exciting (though I wasn’t worried about Ross after his disappearing act). I note that this episode also featured Demelza singing and staring out into the sea. Although we ended with Demelza and Ross reunited, the mine is going down because Mark Daniel was talking tosh, George is planning to turf some poor people out of their homes to build a bank (that will probably be replaced by a coffee shop in our time) and the ‘Next Week’ clip was promising lots of drama.

This entry was originally posted at http://shallowness.dreamwidth.org/256741.html.

poldark, uk

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