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Aug 20, 2016 22:01

Nerve - I enjoyed this(especially after a summer blockbuster season that has ranged from ‘dull’ to ‘all right, I guess’ to ‘entertaining, but...’.) I mean, there are buts - but I’d had such fun that I was willing to go along with the film’s logic and the ridiculous ending worked emotionally. Complaining ‘the internet doesn’t work like that!’ is part of the fun.

It is so easy to match the characters to Buffy ones (the use of the term ‘Watchers’ is to blame. First you’re cracking jokes about the Watchers Council, next you’re going ‘Oh! He’s the Xander.’) In fact, you can watch it as a Buffy AU in which the characters are all playing a social-media/web-driven game of dares in a hyper-real New York, lit by neon. Seriously, the casting directors must have had ‘a young Eliza Dushku’ written in their notes for Sydney, who’s a Cordelia-Faith amalgam.

But Vee is the Chosen Oneheroine, and the story is about her coming into her own IN SENSIBLE SHOES, getting seduced by (the appearance of) choice. It’s also a cautionary tale about online identities and behaviour. If I were an icon-maker or good at graphics, I would be making Nerve icons with Buffy quotes/references to make my point. As it is, I’m just going to try to get the soundtrack.

Parks and Rec 7.5 Gryzzlbox

When the Gryzzl drone dropped off its gift for Leslie, it did feel like we’d changed genre. Marvellous. A good Ben episode, I thought, in that Episode VII would throw him, but the little speech? He deserved a snog for that. And although it was mildly exaggerating (some aspects) with Gryzzle (although the tablet that becomes a skateboard WAS cool), well, the episode had a point. Although I called that Ron’s initial reaction to the news of Gryzzle’s invasion of privacy would be to be unfazed because he has protected his privacy in extremis.

Tom’s crush on Lucy suffered from the jump forward. ‘It’s been a long time coming’ to dump her long-distance boyfriend indeed. But Andy’s stealth success with Johnny Karate was heartening and typical.

On the other hand, Perd becoming (Not An Actual) Judge was perfect and April being mean to the interns/mini-mes/having another existential crisis (SHE should go to Richard Nygard, and given that we had another spot on guest casting, I’d love to see who they cast to play Chris’s old therapist.)

7.6 Save JJ’s

Um, when were we informed that JJ’s was in danger?

‘Jonathan’ Karate was pretty amusing, especially with his ninjas.

Leslie and Ron (and the others) teaming up to take on something smaller scale, and inherently despicable in Dennis Feinstein, made more sense than the battle with Gryzzl - especially as it brought them back to a solution for the Newport land.

I presume they dropped Donna’s engagement in the episode I missed - aww. Tom/Lucy has to work now. And Tom holding an extra special Treat Yo Self for her was very nice.

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