that was the weekend, that was

Jul 25, 2016 09:38

I posted a ficlet yesterday: Just a thought (Agents of SHIELD, Bobbi, Fitz and Hunter, ”Don’t press the red button!” set in early season 3). Apparently I am only capable of filling comment-fic prompts these days.

Weekend TV included Parks and Rec, Moving Up part 1 (for some reason, Dave didn’t do a double bill)

They went to San Fransisco bcause of Pratt’s schedule, presumably, but once again, we got to see Leslie and others in iconic places, and this will forever be the episode in which Michelle Obama turned up and Leslie was very loud to her.

As is the way in the episode before the season finale, everything was coming together, Leslie being pressed to accept the job offer, Tom’s Bistro opening being pushed up, which was always a stupid idea because most of his assistants were involved in running the unity concert that was going to give them all these customers and press. And Larry was involved - at least they learned to keep him out of the way for the concert.

Oh, and the Cones of Dunshire made their return which was satisfying.

A more involving than funny episode...

The Musketeers 3.7

I missed a couple of minutes, if that, from the start of the episode and I was really confused because of it, wondering if the show had started airing extra early or if I’d missed an episode. That feeling subsided, but then by the end, too, a lot too much was going on.

We’re definitely heading into the final stretch now. The King is taking to his bed more so Anne used Aramis as a messenger in ill-conceived and super secret peace talks with her brother. It seemed to me as if Aramis was more motivated by desperately wanting peace that Anne asking.

As Grimauld was fully recovered (like Aramis) and back in plotting mode, this was never going to go well, so Aramis got kidnapped and the Queen got a letter that made the Musketeers suspicious in and of itself. Clever boys! A recurring theme of this episode was easy forgery. They were always going to go rescuing a captive Aramis anyway, but had to take some Spanish generals, cadets and D’Artagnan’s ginger cousin (so they looked nothing alike and had apparently not met for years and years and D’Artagnan was stressed until his cousin helped out and proved to be a good shot) along too.

Add to THAT that Milady was back. FINALLY. The King was high as a kite, and no help on her financial woes, so she turned to Treville - Treville basically turned into the Cardinal in some ways in this episode - who told her to leave Athos alone. Ha.

I am so forgetful, because I didn’t get the immediate significance of the glove. Anyway, Milady did, and the reunion between Milady and Athos was suitably stormy and dramatic until all the years had come between them and Athos remembered this was season 3, not season 2 now. I did think that Milady was expecting a lot to insist on her marital rights when Athos had dithered before coming for her and she’d ‘got married’ in England. Anyway, she found out there was a Sylvie.

I laughed a bit at Sylvie having forgotten sedition - they haven’t really addressed why, because the Crown has still been letting the people down and Athos’s arguments for the status quo have been ‘we have to maintain law and order, and even if that’s not very fair, I’m an honourable chap, all right?’.

Anyway, Milady tried to look down her nose at Sylvie, but couldn’t quite manage it, and then saw how Athos was when he thought Milady had endangered Sylvie. She then bore witness to Sylvie being unfairly whipped (although I thought her line to Marchaud Who Has Clearly Been dealing Summary Injustice for a bit and we know has sold out big time was a bit arrogant) and Athos rescuing her.

So, Milady agreed to work as an assassin for Treville. Presumably the target will be Gaston.

Lorraine seemed like a promising villain, although if he thinks he can boss Grimauld and Gaston for very long, he’s wrong.

Grimauld is still under the impression that this is his show.

Athos’s obsession with killing Grimauld has been duly noted by the others. Although his last words were promising to be with injured Sylvie, who did the honourable thing and didn’t sell Constance out.

Aramis did his best to escape and shout out handy information to his rescuers (my respect for the henchmen plummeted at their not gagging him).

Constance would be a very effective PR rep for the Queen in a world without Grimauld. The King, still lusting after his ex mistress, dissed his wife in front of the court for a false accusation.

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uk, the musketeers, tv, writing, agents of shield, marvel cinematic universe, parks and recreation, self-promoting links

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